when I run rspec spec/models result is OK. But when I use spork, every test where shoulda macros (like it { should validate_presence_of(:title) } is used FAILS with error like: undefined method \'val
I\'m trying to speed up \"rspecing\" in a rails 2.3.8 app with spork. When I run spork in the root of the project I get:
I\'m trying to teach myself rails by going through http://railstutorial.org/. I quit working on the tutorial app last night and then came back to it today. Now I\'m getting an error when I start up th
baor89 2022-04-30 14:56 膨体隆鼻的费用并没有一个同意的标准,因为它受很多因素的影响。膨体隆鼻的费用一般和用的材料,手术的难度,医院规模、资质和医生的水平有直接关系。一般膨体隆鼻价格大概在8000-200