Can I change column header in Jtable tab from \"Name\" to \"Surname\" if I know column position? I want to change column name in second or first tab, not last one.
i want to set each column of a JTable in a JScrollPane with a fixed num width, but i cannot do it with infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setPreferredWidth(10);
别敷衍了所有 2022-05-11 05:45 开发者_开发百科仅供参考,贫民玩鬼剑和枪建议玩阿修罗枪炮师容易上手一身假紫,在二次觉醒之后两个职业刷图都比较稳定技能各方面也有所提高,主要就看楼主是喜欢鬼剑多一点亥是