My JSON-RPC client (browser using dojo JSON-RPC) makes a JSON-RPC request (dojo.callRemote) to my JSON-RPC server on (Python 2.5, SimpleJSONRPCServer).
Edited by OP. My program is in need of a lot of cleanup and restructuring. In another post I asked about leaving the MFC DocView framework and going to the WinProc & Message Loop way (what is tha
小左子促 2022-05-04 08:17 青岛是座非常美丽的城市,来到此处旅游可以选择去欣赏美丽的日出,也能去品尝各种美味的小吃,还能选择行走在海滩上,风光无限美好。那么五一选择去青岛旅游,哪里比较好玩呢?操作方
If a model changes an attribute locally, then changes it back, ActiveRecord doesn\'t send the change to the DB. This is great for performance, but if something else changes the database, and I want to
From another answer on Stackoverflow is a conversion from Javascript date to .net DateTime: long msSinceEpoch = 1260402952906; // Value from Date.getTime() in JavaScript
I\'m building a website photo gallery for a friend. Images are loaded as simple DOM image objects (<img src=\"\" />), and the size of these images is based on the browser size. So I resize them
BERGERAC 2022-05-10 08:04 植物生化素是真实存在的,破壁作用也是肯定有的。比如水果,它里面富含的水都是细胞壁内的,所以你的牙齿也能起到细胞破壁的效果。破壁料理机是将蔬菜水果的果皮和种子都打碎,这部分