I have a Registration screen where user enters all the registration details and when user clicks on the \"Register\" button i am showing the progress bar(Progress bar begins to spin) and then takes th
I am developing an application in which on my button click I have to show one class controller view as a sub view.
I have a bit of JavaScript (jQuery) to catch orientationchange and create a JS alert when triggered: $(\'document\').ready(function(){
I am currently working on a mobile website using jquery mobile and I encountered problem in detecting orientation change. My mobile website detects the orientation as \"landscape\" when in portrait mo
I have a monitoring app that displays a set of four parameters as animations (for example, it displays the temperature using a thermometer graphic). I also have one screen which plots all the four par
I have a problem with my Android app. The activity has an options menu. The menu looks like this: <menu
I am having some trouble with shared preferences. I am attempting to save the text of a search box (an edit text) before an orientation change, and then reinstate it after the activity is recreated fo
I am trying to write a web app for Android and iPhone. I have an issue when the device orientation changes. On the Android the orientationChanged event fires (from portrait to landscape) before the ne
I had started a project using UIImagePickerController to capture still images. I had abandoned using this simple mechanism because of the poor interaction between overlays and just-captured images.The
I\'ve wrote this code... plotView is drawn programmatically by drawRect method... the problem is when I change the device orientation... all the views are not scaled properly... what\'s the matter wit