- 工厂模式
- 单例模式
- 适配器模式
- 外观模式
- 代理模式
- 桥接模式
- 模板方法模式
- 策略模式
- 观察者模式
- 责任链模式
#include<IOStream> using namespace std; // A 'Product' class class Product { public: virtual void show() = 0; }; // A 'ConcreteProduct' class class ConcreteProduct : public Product { public: void show() { cout << "I am a ConcreteProduct object" << endl; } }; // A 'Creator' abstract class class Creator { public: virtual Product* createProduct() = 0; }; // A 'ConcreteCreator' class class ConcreteCreator : public Creator { public: Product* createProduct() { return new ConcreteProduct(); } }; // Client int main() { Creator* creator = new ConcreteCreator(); Product* product = creator->createProduct(); product->show(); return 0; }
单例 Singleton 是设计模式的一种,其特点是只提供唯一一个类的实例,具有全局变量的特点,在任何位置都可以通过接口获取到那个唯一实例。
class Singleton { private: static Singleton* instance; Singleton() { } public: static Singleton* getInstance() { if(instance == nullptr) instance = new Singleton(); return instance; } }; Singleton* Singleton:开发者_开发学习:instance = nullptr;
以上只是一种通用实现教学版,即懒汉版(Lazy Singleton):单例实例在第一次被使用时才进行初始化,这叫做延迟初始化,然而可能存在内存泄漏的风险,且这个代码在单线程环境下是正确无误的,但是当拿到多线程环境下时这份代码就会出现race condition。
C++11规定了local static在多线程条件下的初始化行为,要求编译器保证了内部静态变量的线程安全性。在C++11标准下,《Effective C++》提出了一种更优雅的单例模式实现,使用函数内的 local static 对象。这样,只有当第一次访问getInstance()方法时才创建实例。这种方法也被称为Meyers' Singleton。C++0x之后该实现是线程安全的,C++0x之前仍需加锁。
class Singleton { private: Singleton() { }; ~Singleton() { }; Singleton(const Singleton&); Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&); public: static Singleton& getInstance() { static Singleton instance; return instance; } };
C++ 适配器模式是一种结构型设计模式,它允许现有的类在不修改其内部结构的情况下在其他类中可用。它使用适配器来将不兼容的接口转换成用于目标类的接口。适配器模式使客户端能够调用他们正在使用的接口,而实际上正在使用另一个接口,这个新接口已经与客户端的要求匹配。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // 定义接口 class Target { virtual void request() = 0; }; // 创建一个需要被适配的类 class Adaptee { void specificRequest(); }; // 创建一个适配器 class Adapter : public Target { Adaptee *adaptee; public: Adapter(Adaptee *adaptee) { this->adaptee = adaptee; } void request() { // 执行specificRequest方法 adaptee->specificRequest(); } }; int main() { Adaptee *adaptee = new Adaptee(); Target *target = new Adapter(adaptee); target->request(); return 0; }
Faade模式 class ComputerFacade { private: CPU *cpu; Memory *mem; HardDrive *hd; public: ComputerFacade() { cpu = new CPU(); mem = new Memory(); hd = new HardDrive(); } ~ComputerFacade() { delete cpu; delete mem; delete hd; } void startComputer() { cpu->freeze(); mem->load(BOOT_ADDRESS, hd->read(BOOT_SECTOR, SECTOR_SIZE)); cpu->execute(); } };
代理模式(Proxy Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,它为另外一个对象提供一个替代或占位符。当客户无法直接访问另外一个对象时,代理就可以担任中间人的角色,这样,客户就可以通过代理对象访问那个对象了。C++ 可以使用代理模式来实现对象的访问控制,可以使用该模式来管理对象的生命周期,也可以使用该模式来控制对象的访问,以及在跨平台上实现方法调用。
/** * @file proxy.cpp * @brief 代理模式实现示例 * * 代理模式用于在不直接访问一个对象的情况下提供访问方式。 * 它通常由真实对象和代理对象代表,其中真实对象处理实际工作,而代理对象只是 * 提供其接口,本文将使用 C++ 代码来实现代理模式。 */ #include <iostream> // 真实对象基类 class RealObject { public: virtual void DOSomething() = 0; }; // 真实对象实现类 class RealObjectImpl : public RealObject { public: virtual void doSomething() { std::cout << "Doing something in RealObjectImpl" << std::endl; } }; // 代理对象基类,保存一个指向 RealObjectImpl // 对象的指针 class ProxyObject { private: RealObject* m_realObject; public: ProxyObject() : m_realObject(nullptr) { m_realObject = new RealObjectImpl(); } ~ProxyObject() { delete m_realObject; m_realObject = nullptr; } // 调用真实对象的 doSomething() void doSomething() { if(m_realObject != nullptr) { m_realObject->doSomething(); } } }; int main() { ProxyObject proxyObject; proxyObject.doSomething(); return 0; }
// Bridge Pattern – C++ #include <iostream> // Abstract class having the implementation for the interface class Shape { public: virtual void draw() = 0; virtual ~Shape(){} }; // Concrete class 1 class Rectangle : public Shape { public: void draw() override { std::cout << "Drawin编程客栈g a rectangle." << std::endl; } }; // Concrete class 2 class Circle : public Shape { public: void draw() override { std::cout << "Drawing a circle." << std::endl; } }; // Bridge between implementation and interface class DrawingAPI { public: virtual void drawCircle(double x, double y, double radius) = 0; virtual void drawRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height) = 0; virtual ~DrawingAPI() {} }; // Concrete bridge 1 class DrawingAPI1 : public DrawingAPI { public: void drawCircle(double x, double y, double radius) override { std::cout << "API1.circle at " << x << ':' << y << ' ' << radius << std::endl; } void drawRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height) override { std::cout << "API1.rectangle at " << x << ':' << y << ' ' << width << 'x' << height << std::endl; } }; // Concrete bridge 2 class DrawingAPI2 : public DrawingAPI { public: void drawCircle(double x, double y, double radius) override { std::cout << "API2.circle at " << x << ':' << y << ' ' << radius << std::endl; MFdvQEkL } void drawRectangljse(double x, double y, double width, double height) override { std::cout << "API2.rectangle at " << x << ':' << y << ' ' << width << 'x' << height << std::endl; } }; // Shape implementation using bridge class Shape1 : public Shape { private: DrawingAPI* m_drawingAPI; public: Shape1(DrawingAPI* drawingAPI) : m_drawingAPI(drawingAPI) { } void draw() override { m_drawingAPI->drawCircle(1.0, 2.0, 3.0); } }; // Another shape using same bridge class Shape2 : public Shape { private: DrawingAPI* m_drawingAPI; public: Shape2(DrawingAPI* drawingAPI) : m_drawingAPI(drawingAPI) { } void draw() override { m_drawingAPI->drawRectangle(4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0); } }; // Client int main() { DrawingAPI* drawingAPI = new DrawingAPI1(); Shape* shapes[2] = { new Shape1(drawingAPI), new Shape2(drawingAPI) }; for (Shape* shape : shapes) shape->draw(); return 0; }
模板方法模式是指定义一个操作中算法的框架,而将算法的一些步骤延迟到子类中实现。模板方法模式使得子类可以不改变算法的结构即可重定义算法的某些特定步骤。 它是一种行为设计模式,它定义一个算法的模板,将一些计算步骤推迟到子类中。 在C++中,模板方法通常采用继承机制实现,在基类中定义算法的框架,在子类中实现算法的某些步骤。
//Base class template <class T> class Base { public: void templateMethod() { step1(); step2(); step3(); step4(); } virtual void step1() = 0; virtual void step2() = 0; virtual void step3() = 0; virtual void step4() = 0; }; //Derived class template <class T> class Derived : public Base<T> { public: Derived(T data):m_data(data) {} virtual void step1() { std::cout<<"Step 1 with the data: "<< m_data <<std::endl; } virtual void step2() { std::cout<<"Step 2 with the data: "<< m_data <<std::endl; } virtual void step3() { std::cout<<"Step 3 with the data: "<< m_data <<std::endl; } virtual void step4() { std::cout<<"Step 4 with the data: "<< m_data <<std::endl; } private: T m_data; }; //Client int main() { Base<int> *b = new Derived<int>(10); b->templateMethod(); delete b; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // 抽象策略类 class Strategy { public: virtual void AlgorithmInterface() = 0; // 策略接口 }; // 具体策略类A class ConcreteStrategyA : public Strategy { public: void AlgorithmInterface() { cout<<"using algoritm A"<<endl; } }; // 具体策略类B class ConcreteStrategyB : public Strategy { public: void AlgorithmInterface() { cout<<"using algoritm B"<<endl; } }; // 环境类Context class Context { priphpvate: Strategy * strategy; // 私有策略类指针 public: Context(Strategy * pStrategy) { this->strategy = pStrategy; } void DoAction() { strategy->AlgorithmInterface(); // 使用策略类 } }; // 使用 int main() { Context contextA(new ConcreteStrategyA); // 设定策略A contextA.DoAction(); Context contextB(new ConcreteStrategyB); // 设定策略B contextB.DoAction(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <list> // 抽象被观察者的接口 class Subject { public: // 注册观察者 virtual void Attach(Observer* pObserver) = 0; // 移除观察者 virtual void Detach(Observer* pObserver) = 0; // 通知所有观察者 virtual void Notify() = 0; virtual ~Subject(){} }; // 抽象观察者的接口 class Observer { public: // 响应被观察者的通知 virtual void Update() = 0; virtual ~Observer(){} }; // 被观察编程客栈者 class ConcreteSubject : public Subject { public: void Attach(Observer* pObserver) override { m_observers.push_back(pObserver); } void Detach(Observer* pObserver) override { m_observers.remove(pObserver); } void Notify() override { for (auto pObserver : m_observers) pObserver->Update(); } private: std::list<Observer*> m_observers; }; // 具体观察者 class ConcreteObserver1 : public Observer { public: void Update() override { std::cout << "ConcreteObserver1 Update" << std::endl; } }; class ConcreteObserver2 : public Observer { public: void Update() override { std::cout << "ConcreteObserver2 Update" << std::endl; } }; int main() { ConcreteSubject subject; ConcreteObserver1 observer1; ConcreteObserver2 observer2; subject.Attach(&observer1); subject.Attach(&observer2); subject.Notify(); return 0; }
责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility Pattern)是一种行为设计模式,它定义了请求的处理者对象之间的关系,并使多个处理者有机会处理该请求。当发出一个请求时,请求将沿着链条一直传递,直到链上的某一个处理者决定请求的处理方式。
#include<iostream> using namespace std; //定义抽象类Handler class Handler { protected: Handler* successor; // 定义后继对象 public: Handler() { successor = NULL; } void SetSuccessor(Handler* suc) { successor = suc; } virtual void HandleRequest() = 0; // 处理请求的抽象方法 }; //实现抽象类Handler class ConcreteHandler1 : public Handler { public: void HandleRequest() { if (successor != NULL) { cout << "ConcreteHandler1 放过请求" << endl; successor->HandleRequest(); } else { cout << "ConcreteHandler1 处理请求"<<endl; } } }; class ConcreteHandler2 : public Handler { public: void HandleRequest() { if (successor != NULL) { cout << "ConcreteHandler2 放过请求" << endl; successor->HandleRequest(); } else { cout << "ConcreteHandler2 处理请求"<<endl; } } }; //Client四 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ConcreteHandler1* handler1 = new ConcreteHandler1(); ConcreteHandler2* handler2 = new ConcreteHandler2(); handler1->SetSuccessor(handler2); handler1->HandleRequest(); return 0; }