- 一、磁性窗体
- 二、磁性窗体的实现方法
- (1)无标题窗体的移动
- (2)Left属性
- (3)Top属性
- 二、设计一个磁性窗体的实例
- (1)资源管理器Resources.Designer.cs设计
- (2)公共类Frm_Play.cs
- (3)主窗体
- 1.Frm_Play.cs
- 2.Frm_Play.Designer.cs
- (4)子窗体1
- 1.Frm_ListBox.cs
- 2.Frm_ListBox.Designer.cs
- (5)子窗体2
- 1.Frm_Libretto.cs
- 2.Frm_Libretto.Designer.cs
- (6)生成效果
private void panel_Title_MouseDown(object sender,MouseEventArgs e) CPoint=new Point(-e.X,-e.Y); //获取鼠标按下时的位置
private void panel_Title_MouseMove(object sender,MouseEventArgs e) if(e.Button==MouseButtons.Left) { Point myPosittion=Control.MousePosition; //获取当前鼠标的屏幕坐标 myPosittion.Offset(CPoint.X,CPoint.Y); //以屏幕坐标平移指定的量 DesktopLocation=myPosittion; //设置当前窗体在屏幕上的位置 }
public int Left {get;set;} 参数说明 属性值:窗体左边缘与其容器的工作区左边缘之间的距离(以像素为单位)。
public int Top{get;set;} 参数说明属性值:窗体上边缘与其容器的工作区上边缘之间的距离(以像素为单位)。
- 三个窗体:主窗体Frm_Play.cs,2个子窗体:Frm_ListBox.cs、Frm_Libretto.cs;
- 鼠标按下任一窗体顶部的控件,可以拖动窗体;
- 拖动子窗体时,会使得粘在一起的窗体分开,拖动主窗体时会使粘在一起的子窗体随动;
- 拖动主窗体靠近子窗体小于相互吸引的缝隙10时,松开鼠标,靠近的窗体会像磁铁一样吸引在一起;主窗体吸引子窗体后,该子窗体还可以吸引其它子窗体;
- 双击主窗体的控件,激活所有窗体;
项目使用的图片资源应设计到资源管理器,详见本文作者写的其它文章:详解C#如何手动改变自制窗体的大小_C#教程_编程客栈(www.devze.com) (jb51.net)
// 类设计 namespace _185 { internal class FrmClass { #region 磁性窗体-公共变量 //记录窗体的隐藏与显示 public static bool Frm_ListShow = false; public static bool Frm_LibrettoShow = false; public static bool Frm_ScreenShow = false; //记录鼠标的当前位置 public static Point CPoint; public static Point FrmPoint; public static int Gap = 10;//设置窗体间相互吸引的缝隙尺寸 //Frm_Play窗体的位置及大小 public static int Frm_Play_Top = 0; public static int Frm_Play_Left = 0; public static int Frm_Play_Width = 0; public static int Frm_Play_Height = 0; public static bool Is_TwoAssitForm_AdhereTo = false;//辅助窗体是否磁性在一起 //Frm_ListBos窗体的位置及大小 public static int Frm_List_Top = 0; public static int Frm_List_Left = 0; public static int Frm_List_Width = 0; public static int Frm_List_Height = 0; public static bool Is_Frm_List_AdhereTo = false;//辅助窗体是否与主窗体磁性在一起 //Frm_Libretto窗体的位置及大小 public static int Frm_Libretto_Top = 0; public static int Frm_Libretto_Left = 0; public static int Frm_Libretto_Width = 0; public static int Frm_Libretto_Height = 0; public static bool Is_Frm_Libretto_AdhereTo = false;//辅助窗体是否与主窗体磁性在一起 //窗体之间的距离差 public static int Frm_List_Gap_Top = 0; public static int Frm_List_Gap_Left = 0; public static int Frm_Libretto_Gap_Top = 0; public static int Frm_Libretto_Gap_Left = 0; #endregion #region 检测各窗体是否连接在一起 /// <summary> /// 检测各窗体是否连接在一起 /// </summary> public static void Is_Addhered_Check() { //Frm_ListBos与主窗体 bool Temp_Magnetism = false; if ((Frm_Play_Top - Frm_List_Top) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_Play_Left - Frm_List_Left) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_Play_Left - Frm_List_Left - Frm_List_Width) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_Play_Left - Frm_List_Left + Frm_List_Width) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_Play_Top - Frm_List_Top - Frm_List_Height) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_Play_Top - Frm_List_Top + Frm_List_Height) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if (Temp_Magnetism) Is_Frm_List_AdhereTo = true; //Frm_Libretto与主窗体 Temp_Magnetism = false; if ((Frm_Play_Top - Frm_Libretto_Top) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_Play_Left - Frm_Libretto_Left) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_Play_Le编程客栈ft - Frm_Libretto_Left - Frm_Libretto_Width) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_Play_Left - Frm_Libretto_Left + Frm_Libretto_Width) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_Play_Top - Frm_Libretto_Top - Frm_Libretto_Height) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_Play_Top - Frm_Libretto_Top + Frm_Libretto_Height) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if (Temp_Magnetism) Is_Frm_Libretto_AdhereTo = true; //两个辅窗体 Temp_Magnetism = false; if ((Frm_List_Top - Frm_Libretto_Top) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_List_Left - Frm_Libretto_Left) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_List_Left - Frm_Libretto_Left - Frm_Libretto_Width) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_List_Left - Frm_Libretto_Left + Frm_Libretto_Width) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_List_Top - Frm_Libretto_Top - Frm_Libretto_Height) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if ((Frm_List_Top - Frm_Libretto_Top + Frm_Libretto_Height) == 0) Temp_Magnetism = true; if (Temp_Magnetism) Is_TwoAssitForm_AdhereTo = true; } #endregion #region 利用窗体上的控件移动窗体 /// <summary> /// 利用控件移动窗体 /// </summary> /// <param Frm="Form">窗体</param> /// <param e="MouseEventArgs">控件的移动事件</param> public static void MoveForm(Form Frm, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { Point myPosittion = Control.MousePosition; //获取当前鼠标的屏幕坐标 myPosittion.Offset(CPoint.X, CPoint.Y); //重载当前鼠标的位置 Frm.DesktopLocation = myPosittion; //设置当前窗体在屏幕上的位置 } } #endregion #region 计算窗体之间的缝隙 /// <summary> /// 计算窗体之间的距离差 /// </summary> /// <param Frm="Form">窗体</param> /// <param Follow="Form">跟随窗体</param> public static void Calculate_Gap(Form Frm, Form Follow) { switch (Follow.Name) { case "Frm_ListBox": { Frm_List_Gap_Top = Follow.Top - Frm.Top; Frm_List_Gap_Left = Follow.Left - Frm.Left; break; } case "Frm_Libretto": { Frm_Libretto_Gap_Top = Follow.Top - Frm.Top; Frm_Libretto_Gap_Left = Follow.Left - Frm.Left; break; } } } #endregion #region 磁性窗体的移动 /// <summary> /// 磁性窗体的移动 /// </summary> /// <param Frm="Form">窗体</param> /// <param e="MouseEventArgs">控件的移动事件</param> /// <param Follow="Form">跟随窗体</param> public static void MoveManyForm(Form Frm, MouseEventArgs e, Form Follow) { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(Frm); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { int Tem_Left = 0; int Tem_Top = 0; Point myPosittion = Control.MousePosition;//获取当前鼠标的屏幕坐标 switch (Follow.Name) { case "Frm_ListBox": { Tem_Top = Frm_List_Gap_Top - FrmPoint.Y; Tem_Left = Frm_List_Gap_Left - FrmPoint.X; break; } case "Frm_Libretto": { Tem_Top = Frm_Libretto_Gap_Top - FrmPoint.Y; Tem_Left = Frm_Libretto_Gap_Left - FrmPoint.X; break; } } myPosittion.Offset(Tem_Left, Tem_Top); Follow.DesktopLocation = myPosittion; } } #endregion #region 对窗体的位置进行初始化 /// <summary> /// 对窗体的位置进行初始化 /// </summary> /// <param Frm="Form">窗体</param> public static void FrmInitialize(Form Frm) { switch (Frm.Name) { case "Frm_Play": { Frm_Play_Top = Frm.Top; Frm_Play_Left = Frm.Left; Frm_Play_Width = Frm.Width; Frm_Play_Height = Frm.Height; break; } case "Frm_ListBox": { Frm_List_Top = Frm.Top; Frm_List_Left = Frm.Left; Frm_List_Width = Frm.Width; Frm_List_Height = Frm.Height; break; } case "Frm_Libretto": { Frm_Libretto_Top = Frm.Top; Frm_Libretto_Left = Frm.Left; Frm_Libretto_Width = Frm.Width; Frm_Libretto_Height = Frm.Height; break; } } } #endregion #region 存储各窗体的当前信息 /// <summary> /// 存储各窗体的当前信息 /// </summary> /// <param Frm="Form">窗体</param> /// <param e="MouseEventArgs">控件的移动事件</param> public static void FrmPlace(Form Frm) { FrmInitialize(Frm); FrmMagnetism(Frm); } #endregion #region 窗体的磁性设置 /// <summary> /// 窗体的磁性设置 /// </summary> /// <param Frm="Form">窗体</param> public static void FrmMagnetism(Form Frm) { if (Frm.Name != "Frm_Play") { FrmMagnetismCount(Frm, Frm_Play_Top, Frm_Play_Left, Frm_Play_Width, Frm_Play_Height, "Frm_Play"); } if (Frm.Name != "Frm_ListBos") { FrmMagnetismCount(Frm, Frm_List_Top, Frm_List_Left, Frm_List_Width, Frm_List_Height, "Frm_ListBos"); } if (Frm.Name != "Frm_Libratto") { FrmMagnetismCount(Frm, Frm_Libretto_Top, Frm_Libretto_Left, Frm_Libretto_Width, Frm_Libretto_Height, "Frm_Libratto"); } FrmInitialize(Frm); } #endregion #region 磁性窗体的计算 /// <summary> /// 磁性窗体的计算 /// </summary> /// <param Frm="Form">窗体</param> /// <param e="MouseEventArgs">控件的移动事件</param> public static void FrmMagnetismCount(Form Frm, int top, int left, int width, int height, string Mforms) { bool Tem_Magnetism = false; //判断是否有磁性发生 string Tem_MainForm = ""; //临时记录主窗体 string Tem_AssistForm = ""; //临时记录辅窗体 //上面进行磁性窗体 if ((Frm.Top + Frm.Height - top) <= Gap && (Frm.Top + Frm.Height - top) >= -Gap) { //当一个主窗体不包含辅窗体时 if ((Frm.Left >= left && Frm.Left <= (left + width)) || ((Frm.Left + Frm.Width) >= left && (Frm.Left + Frm.Width) <= (left + width))) { Frm.Top = top - Frm.Height; if ((Frm.Left - left) <= Gap && (Frm.Left - left) >= -Gap) Frm.Left = left; Tem_Magnetism = true; } //当一个主窗体包含辅窗体时 if (Frm.Left <= left && (Frm.Left + Frm.Width) >= (left + width)) { Frm.Top = top - Frm.Height; if ((Frm.Left - left) <= Gap && (Frm.Left - left) >= -Gap) Frm.Left = left; Tem_Magnetism = true; } } //下面进行磁性窗体 if ((Frm.Top - (top + height)) <= Gap && (Frm.Top - (top + height)) >= -Gap) { //当一个主窗体不包含辅窗体时 if ((Frm.Left >= left && Frm.Left <= (left + width)) || ((Frm.Left + Frm.Width) >= left && (Frm.Left + Frm.Width) <= (left + width))) { Frm.Top = top + height; if ((Frm.Left - left) <= Gap && (Frm.Left - left) >= -Gap) Frm.Left = left; Tem_Magnetism = true; } //当一个主窗体包含辅窗体时 if (Frm.Left <= left && (Frm.Left + Frm.Width) >= (left + width)) { Frm.Top = top + height; if ((Frm.Left - left) <= Gap && (Frm.Left - left) >= -Gap) Frm.Left = left; Tem_Magnetism = true; } } //左面进行磁性窗体 if ((Frm.Left + Frm.Width - left) <= Gap && (Frm.Left + Frm.Width - left) >= -Gap) { //当一个主窗体不包含辅窗体时 if ((Frm.Top > top && Frm.Top <= (top + height)) || ((Frm.Top + Frm.Height) >= top && (Frm.Top + Frm.Height) <= (top + height))) { Frm.Left = left - Frm.Width; if ((Frm.Top - top) <= Gap && (Frm.Top - top) >= -Gap) Frm.Top = top; Tem_Magnetism = true; } //当一个主窗体包含辅窗体时 if (Frm.Top <= top && (Frm.Top + Frm.Height) >= (top + height)) { Frm.Left = left - Frm.Width; if ((Frm.Top - top) <= Gap && (Frm.Top - top) >= -Gap) Frm.Top = top; Tem_Magnetism = true; } } //右面进行磁性窗体 if ((Frm.Left - (left + width)) <= Gap && (Frm.Left - (left + width)) >= -Gap) { //当一个主窗体不包含辅窗体时 if ((Frm.Top > top && Frm.Top <= (top + height)) || ((Frm.Top + Frm.Height) >= top && (Frm.Top + Frm.Height) <= (top + height))) { Frm.Left = left + width; if ((Frm.Top - top) <= Gap && (Frm.Top - top) >= -Gap) Frm.Top = top; Tem_Magnetism = true; } //当一个主窗体包含辅窗体时 if (Frm.Top <= top && (Frm.Top + Frm.Height) >= (top + height)) { Frm.Left = left + width; if ((Frm.Top - top) <= Gap && (Frm.Top - top) >= -Gap) Frm.Top = top; Tem_Magnetism = true; } } if (Frm.Name == "Frm_Play") Tem_MainForm = "Frm_Play"; else Tem_AssistForm = Frm.Name; if (Mforms == "Frm_Play") Tem_MainForm = "Frm_Play"; else Tem_AssistForm = Mforms; if (Tem_MainForm == "") { Is_TwoAssitForm_AdhereTo = Tem_Magnetism; } else { switch (Tem_AssistForm) { case "Frm_ListBos": Is_Frm_List_AdhereTo = Tem_Magnetism; break; case "Frm_Libratto": Is_Frm_Libretto_AdhereTo = Tem_Magnetism; break; } } } #endregion #region 恢复窗体的初始大小 /// <summary> /// 恢复窗体的初始大小(当松开鼠标时,如果窗体的大小小于300*200,恢复初始状态) /// </summary> /// <param Frm="Form">窗体</param> public static void FrmScreen_FormerlySize(Form Frm, int PWidth, int PHeight) { if (Frm.Width < PWidth || Frm.Height < PHeight) { Frm.Width = PWidth; Frm.Height = PHeight; //Example_Size = false; } } #endregion } }
namespace _185 { public partial class Frm_Play : Form { public Frm_Play() { InitializeComponent(); } #region 公共变量 FrmClass Cla_FrmClass = new(); public static Form F_List = new(); public static Form F_Libretto = new(); public static Form F_Screen = new(); #endregion private void Frm_Play_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FrmClass.FrmInitialize(this); //窗体位置的初始化 } private void Panel1_MouseDownjavascript(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) //按下的是否为鼠标左键 { FrmClass.Is_Addhered_Check(); //检测各窗体是否连在一起 int Tem_Y = e.Y; FrmClass.FrmPoint = new Point(e.X, Tem_Y);//获取鼠标在窗体上的位置,用于磁性窗体 FrmClass.CPoint = new Point(-e.X, -Tem_Y);//获取鼠标在屏幕上的位置,用于窗体的移动 if (FrmClass.Is_Frm_List_AdhereTo) //如果与frm_ListBox窗体相连接 { FrmClass.Calculate_Gap(this, F_List); //计算窗体的距离差 if (FrmClass.Is_TwoAssitForm_AdhereTo) //两个辅窗体是否连接在一起 { FrmClass.Calculate_Gap(this, F_Libretto);//计算窗体的距离差 } } if (FrmClass.Is_Frm_Libretto_AdhereTo) //如果与frm_Libretto窗体相连接 { FrmClass.Calculate_Gap(thisphp, F_Libretto); //计算窗体的距离差 if (FrmClass.Is_TwoAssitForm_AdhereTo) //两个辅窗体是否连接在一起 { FrmClass.Calculate_Gap(this, F_List); //计算窗体的距离差 } } } } private void Panel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) //按下的是否为鼠标左键 { FrmClass.MoveForm(this, e); //利用控件移动窗体 if (FrmClass.Is_Frm_List_AdhereTo) //如果frm_ListBox窗体与主窗体连接 { FrmClass.MoveManyForm(this, e, F_List);//磁性窗体的移动 FrmClass.FrmInitialize(F_List); //对frm_ListBox窗体的位置进行初始化 if (FrmClass.Is_TwoAssitForm_AdhereTo) //如果两个子窗体连接在一起 { FrmClass.MoveManyForm(this, e, F_Libretto); FrmClass.FrmInitialize(F_Libretto); } } if (FrmClass.Is_Frm_Libretto_AdhereTo) //如果frm_Libretto窗体与主窗体连接 { FrmClass.MoveManyForm(this, e, F_Libretto); FrmClass.FrmInitialize(F_Libretto); if (FrmClass.Is_TwoAssitForm_AdhereTo) { FrmClass.MoveManyForm(this, e, F_List); FrmClass.FrmInitialize(F_List); } } FrmClass.FrmInitialize(this); } } private void Panel1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { FrmClass.FrmPlace(this); } private void Frm_Play_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { //显示列表窗体 F_List = new Frm_ListBox { ShowInTaskbar = false }; FrmClass.Frm_ListShow = true; F_List.Show(); //显示歌词窗体 F_Libretto = new Frm_Libretto { ShowInTaskbar = false, Left = Left + Width, Top = Top }; FrmClass.Frm_LibrettoShow = true; F_Libretto.Show(); //各窗体位置的初始化 FrmClass.FrmInitialize(F_List); FrmClass.FrmInitialize(F_Libretto); } private void Panel2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { F_List.Close(); F_List.Dispose(); F_Libretto.Close(); F_Libretto.Dispose(); F_Screen.Close(); F_Screen.Dispose(); Close(); } private void Panel1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { F_List.Focus(); F_Libretto.Focus(); Focus(); } } }
namespace _185 { partial class Frm_Play { /// <summary> /// Required designer variable. /// </summary> private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null; /// <summary> /// Clean up any resources being used. /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param> protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && (components != null)) { components.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } #region Windows Form Designer generated code /// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void InitializeComponent() { panel1 = new Panel(); pictureBox1 = new PictureBox(); panel2 = new Panel(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)pictureBox1).BeginInit(); SuspendLayout(); // // panel1 // panel1.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources._5; panel1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; panel1.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel1.Location = new Point(0, 0); panel1.Name = "panel1"; panel1.Size = new Size(290, 31); panel1.TabIndex = 0; panel1.Click += Panel1_Click; panel1.MouseDown += Panel1_MouseDown; panel1.MouseMove += Panel1_MouseMove; panel1.MouseUp += Panel1_MouseUp; // // pictureBox1 // pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources._01; pictureBox1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; pictureBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; pictureBox1.Location = new Point(0, 31); pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1"; pictureBox1.Size = new Size(290, 89); pictureBox1.TabIndex = 1; pictureBox1.TabStop = false; // // panel2 // panel2.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.Close; panel2.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; panel2.Location = new Point(265, 5); panel2.Name = "panel2"; panel2.Size = new Size(18, 18); panel2.TabIndex = 0; panel2.Click += Panel2_Click; // // Frm_Play // AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 17F); AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; ClientSize = new Size(290, 120); Controls.Add(panel2); Controls.Add(pictureBox1); Controls.Add(panel1); FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; Name = "Frm_Play"; Text = "Form1"; Load += Frm_Play_Load; Shown += Frm_Play_Shown; ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)pictureBox1).EndInit(); ResumeLayout(false); } #endregion private Panel panel1; private PictureBox pictureBox1; private Panel panel2; } }
namespace _185 { public partial class Frm_ListBox : Form { public Frm_ListBox() { InitializeComponent(); } #region 公共变量 FrmClass Cla_FrmClass = new(); #endregion private void Frm_ListBox_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Left = FrmClass.Frm_Play_Left; Top = FrmClass.Frm_Play_Top + FrmClass.Frm_Play_Height; FrmClass.FrmInitialize(this); } private void Panel1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { FrmClass.CPoint = new Point(-e.X, -e.Y); } private void Panel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { FrmClass.Is_TwoAssitForm_AdhereTo = false; FrmClass.Is_Frm_List_AdhereTo = false; FrmClass.MoveForm(this, e); } private void Panel1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { FrmClass.FrmPlace(this); } } }
namespace _185 { partial class Frm_ListBox { /// <summary> /// Required designer variable. /// </summary> private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null; /// <summary> /// Clean up any resources being used. /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param> protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && (components != null)) { components.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } #region Windows Form Designer generated code /// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void InitializeComponent() { panel1 = new Panel(); pictureBox1 = new PictureBox(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)pictureBox1).BeginInit(); SuspendLayout(); // // panel1 // panel1.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources._5; panel1.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel1.Location = new Point(0, 0); panel1.Name = "panel1"; panel1.Size = new Size(290, 31); panel1.TabIndex = 0; panel1.MouseDown += Panel1_MouseDown; panel1.MouseMove += Panel1_MouseMove; panel1.MouseUp += Panel1_MouseUp; // // pictureBox1 // pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources._02; pictureBox1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; pictureBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; pictureBox1.Location = new Point(0, 31); pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1"; pictureBox1.Size = new Size(290, 89); pictureBox1.TabIndex = 1; pictureBox1.TabStop = false; // // Frm_ListBox // AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 17F); AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; ClientSize = new Size(290, 120); Controls.Add(pictureBox1); Controls.Add(panel1); FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; Name = "Frm_ListBox"; Text = "Form1"; Load += Frm_ListBox_Load; ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)pictureBox1).EndInit(); ResumeLayout(false); } #endregion private Panel panel1; private PictureBox pictureBox1; } }
namespace _185 { public partial class Frm_Libretto : Form { public Frm_Libretto() { InitializeComponent(); } #region 公共变量 FrmClass Cla_FrmClass = new(); #endregion private void Frm_Libretto_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Left = FrmClass.Frm_Play_Left; Top = FrmClass.Frm_Play_Top + FrmClass.Frm_Play_Height; FrmClass.FrmInitialize(this); } private void Panel1_MouseDown(object sender,javascript MouseEventArgs e) { FrmClass.CPoint = new Point(-e.X, -e.Y); } private void Panel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { FrmClass.pythonIs_TwoAssitForm_AdhereTo = false; FrmClass.Is_Frm_List_AdhereTo = false; FrmClass.MoveForm(this, e); } private void Panel1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { FrmClass.FrmPlace(this); } } }
namespace _185 { partial class Frm_Libretto { /// <summary> /// Required designer variable. /// </summary> private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null; /// <summary> /// Clean up any resources being used. /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param> protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && (components != null)) { components.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } #region Windows Form Designer generated code /// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void InitializeComponent() { panel1 = new Panel(); pictureBox1 = new PictureBox(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)pictureBox1).BeginInit(); SuspendLayout(); // // panel1 // panel1.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources._5; panel1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; panel1.Dock = DockStyle.Top; panel1.Location = new Point(0, 0); panel1.Name = "panel1"; panel1.Size = new Size(290, 31); panel1.TabIndex = 0; panel1.MouseDown += Panel1_MouseDown; panel1.MouseMove += Panel1_MouseMove; panel1.MouseUp += Panel1_MouseUp; // // pictureBox1 // pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources._03; pictureBox1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; pictureBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; pictureBox1.Location = new Point(0, 31); pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1"; pictureBox1.Size = new Size(290, 209); pictureBox1.TabIndex = 1; pictureBox1.TabStop = false; // // Frm_Libretto // AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 17F); AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; ClientSize = new Size(290, 240); Controls.Add(pictureBox1); Controls.Add(panel1); FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; Name = "Frm_Libretto"; Text = "Form2"; Load += Frm_Libretto_Load; ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)pictureBox1).EndInit(); ResumeLayout(false); } #endregion private Panel panel1; private PictureBox pictureBox1; } }