
Python - writing lines from file into IRC buffer

Ok, so I am trying to write a Python script for XCHAT that will allow me to type "/hookcommand filename" and then will print that file line by line into my irc buffer.

EDIT: Here is what I have now

__module_name__ = "scroll.py"
__module_version__ = "1.0"
__module_description__ = "script to scroll contents of txt file on irc"

import xchat, random, os, glob, string

def gg(ascii):
    ascii = glob.glob("F:\irc\as\*.txt")
        for textfile in ascii:
            f = open(textfile, 'r')

def gg_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
    ascii = gg(word[0])
    xchat.command("msg %s %s"%(xchat.get_info('channel'), ascii))
    return xchat.EAT_ALL

xchat.hook_command("gg", gg_cb, help="/gg filename to use")

Well, your first problem is that you're referring to a variable ascii before you define it:

ascii = gg(ascii)

Try making that:

ascii = gg(word[0])

Next, you're opening each file returned by glob... only to do absolutely nothing with them. I'm not going to give you the code for this: please try to work out what it's doing or not doing for yourself. One tip: the xchat interface is an extra complication. Try to get it working in plain Python first, then connect it to xchat.

There may well be other problems - I don't know the xchat api.

When you say "not working", try to specify exactly how it's not working. Is there an error message? Does it do the wrong thing? What have you tried?





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取 消

