
How do I select every nth of a specific child element in jQuery?

I have this markup:

<div id="container">


  <p>Some text</p>

  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <!-- ... same thing on down the page ... -->
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>


I'd like to add a class to every fourth div. Here's the jQuery that I expected would work:


But it results in:

<div id="container">


  <p>Some text</p>

  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo bar">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo bar">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some s开发者_StackOverflowtuff</div>
  <div class="foo bar">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo bar">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>
  <div class="foo">Some stuff</div>

</div> <!-- #container -->

So, obviously all children are being counted, and only the matched element gets the class added. I could just take those other two elements into consideration and use :nth-child(4n+2), but I can't always count on there being exactly two elements preceding my divs.

Is there an nth-child-like selector (or method) that will only take the specified element into consideration when counting?

You can use the filter function to get every 4th element as follows:

 return (index%4 == 3);

Working example @:


In jQuery 1.9+ :nth-of-type would work here.


Reference: A good description of :nth-of-type vs :nth-child

You could always do it yourself:

$('div.foo').each( function(i) {
  if( i % 4 != 3 )

http://api.jquery.com/filter/#using-filter-function Great tutorial. On using filter.

The basic idea is to use the modulus operator (%) in combination with each or filter to iterate over the elements and only apply actions when the modulus returns no remainder (ie, the index of the iteration is a multiple that you desire.) This is a common practice in a lot of contexts. You can also do something similar with the each function.

$('div.foo').each(function(index) {
  if((index+1)%4 == 0){




验证码 换一张
取 消

