Prism v4, MEF, WPF - Using proper Uri for module graphic
My solution's structure is:
CI.Frontier.Classic contains a MEF module. My application uses the RibbonWindow control, and the modules define what menu items should be created. I can successfully add a button to the ribbon control from the CI.Frontier.Classic module, however, I cannot figure out the proper Uri to ClassicFrontierToopTip.png
Heres the code in FrontierClassic.cs that creates the tab, button and attempting to set the ribbon ToolTipImage
public void CreateMenuItems()
TabData tabData = new TabData("L开发者_高级运维egacy");
GroupData groupData = new GroupData("Internal");
ButtonData classicFrontierBtn = new ButtonData()
Label = "Classic Frontier",
ToolTipTitle = "Classic Frontier",
ToolTipDescription = "Open Classic Frontier",
ToolTipImage = new Uri("./Graphics/ClassicFrontierToolTip.png", UriKind.Relative)
classicFrontierBtn.Command.RegisterCommand(new DelegateCommand(LoadFrontierView));
This Uri doesn't work as the tooltip does not display. Can I use the UriKind.Relative or should I be using some sort of "pack uri"?
The robust approach would be to leverage the pack syntax...
new Uri("pack://application:,,,/CI.Frontier.Classic;component/Graphics/ClassicFrontierToolTip.png", UriKind.Absolute);
Include an icon for a Prism module solved it...
ToolTipImage = new Uri("/" + GetType().Assembly.ToString().Split(',')[0] + ";component/Graphics/ClassicFrontierToolTip.png", UriKind.Relative)
Not sure if this is the best solution though.