OpenOffice pyuno "select all"
Does anyone know how to use the OO uno bridge api to "select all" in a Calc sheet?
Alternatively, finding the maximum used row and column number would work.
What I want to do is apply a format to all the cells in the spreadsheet.
(The reason being that I'm saving the sheet as csv, so numbers are not accurately saved unle开发者_Go百科ss the format provides enough decimal places.)
Assuming you have already connected to OpenOffice and document
is a spreadsheet that has been opened or created.
#get the sheet you want to work with, I'm just going to grab the first sheet
sheets = document.getSheets().createEnumeration()
sheet = sheets.nextElement()
#start with a range on the first cell
range = sheet.getCellRangeByPosition( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
#expand to full extend of the used area
range.gotoEndOfUsedArea( True ) #true for expand selection
#no do whatever formatting things you want to do
I do get an error (Attribute Error) with the line:
By combining the two information at 1: and 2:
I came up with the following solution:
def getLastActiveCell(sheet):
"""returns the last used column and row of the provided sheet
(ie the last cell in the range containing something other than '')"""
#create a cursor for the whole sheet using OO interface XSheetCellRange
cursor = sheet.createCursor()
#goto the last used cell
#grab that positions "coordinates"
address = cursor.RangeAddress
endcol = address.EndColumn
endrow = address.EndRow
#and pass them back
return endcol,endrow
you may then access those values in your code like this:
lastCell = getLastActiveCell(sheetObject)
print lastCell[0] #Column
print lastCell[1] #Row
and create a range
range = sheetObject.getCellRangeByPosition( 0, 0, lastCell[0], lastCell[1] )
or whatever for further work.