Getting a proper value from RegQueryValueEx
I am trying to extract a value from the windows registry of type REG_SZ
, using RegQueryValueEx
, I got the value except it was riddled with strange "\000" before each letter.To show you what I mean here are some images:
Value I want(It is a device name of a wireless adapter)
Value I got:
here is the code:
HKEY hlistkey = NULL;
HKEY hkey = NULL;
int dwIndex=0;
string devName = returndevName(); //return current selected device name using iphlpapi.h
WCHAR KeyNameBuf[512];
DWORD keyNameSizBuf = 512;
char buffer[512];
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}") ,0开发者_Python百科,KEY_READ, &hlistkey );
cout << "failed" << endl;
while(RegEnumKeyEx(hlistkey,dwIndex++,KeyNameBuf,&keyNameSizBuf,0,NULL,NULL,NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
RegOpenKeyEx(hlistkey, KeyNameBuf, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_SET_VALUE, &hkey);
keyNameSizBuf = 512;
if(RegQueryValueEx(hkey,TEXT("NetCfgInstanceId"), 0,NULL,(LPBYTE)buffer,&keyNameSizBuf ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
if(strcmp(buffer,devName.c_str() ) ==0)
//set value here
comparing buffer
and devName
would not be the same because of the extra null characters .If I cast buffer to a string I simply got a "{" which is the first value.I need to get the value of the devename
in the registry before I can change the "NetworkAddress" in the registry.
Since you are using WCHAR
, I assume you are compiling with Unicode support. If this is true, then also the buffer
needs to be WCHAR