cocos2d gives slow animation?
i have used cocos2d for game development.but when i use a sprite in CCLayer(inherited) to move through ccTime.but it moves very slowly.i have set in appgelegate CCDirector setAnimationInterval for (1.0/60) The code is as following:
-(id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
danceSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"images.png"];
[self addChild:danceSprite];
// position the sprite in the center of the screen
CGSize s = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
开发者_如何转开发 danceSprite.position = ccp(s.width/2,s.height/2); //CCSprite
bg_pos.x = danceSprite.position.x;
bg_pos.y = danceSprite.position.y;
[self scheduleUpdate];
return self;
-(void) update:(ccTime)delta
CGPoint pos = danceSprite.position;
bgX = pos.x;
//bgX -= 30.0;
int newX;
pos.x = bgX;
GAME_SPEED_ADJUSTMENT variable/constant
to multiply with delta to get a faster movement. My start setting is always a
minimum of 10
, in your case it's 1, so I would expect it to move rather slowly.
So it looks like
newX = oldX + delta * GAME_SPEED_ADJUSTMENT
Try this first - one might also use this to increase the difficulty of the game and globally move things faster.
If this doesn't work, just come back....