Python HTML scraping
It's not really scraping, I'm just trying to find the URLs in a web page where the class has a specific value. For example:
<a class="myClass" href="/url/7df028f508c4685ddf65987a0bd6f22e">
I want to get the href value. Any ideas on how to do this? Maybe regex? Could you post some example code? I'm guessing html sc开发者_运维知识库raping libs, such as BeautifulSoup, are a bit of overkill just for this...
Huge thanks!
Regex is usally a bad idea, try using BeautifulSoup
Quick example:
html = #get html
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
links = soup.findAll('a', attrs={'class': 'myclass'})
for link in links:
#process link
Aargh, not regex for parsing HTML!
Luckily in Python we have BeautifulSoup or lxml to do that job for us.
Regex would be a bad choice. HTML is not a regular language. How about Beautiful Soup?
Regex should not be used to parse HTML. See the first answer to this question for an explanation :)
+1 for BeautifulSoup.
If your task is just this simple, just use string manipulation (without even regex)
for line in f:
if "<a class" in line and "myClass" in line and "href" in line:
s = line [ line.index("href") + len('href="') : ]
print s[:s.index('">')]
HTML parsers is not a must for such cases.
The thing is I know the structure of the HTML page, and I just want to find that specific kind of links (where class="myclass"). BeautifulSoup anyway?
read Parsing Html The Cthulhu Way