
Python web framework with CRUD powered by AJAX [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.

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I am looking for a Python web framework which will allow me to rapidly build a CRUD application with automatic AJAX support.

The framework should be able to generate a nice table which is sortable and filterable, which works via AJAX and without JS support at all as well.

I have looked at TurboGears2 and it seems promising, is there any other framework that c开发者_JAVA技巧an do the job for me?

Most of the modern frameworks, like TG, Django or Flask support CRUD-style applications. But none of those are that much abstract, that you can give them a model, and there you have your ajaxy db manipulation templates and validations.

Django has django-admin and a great form builder and helper module; Flask can work with WTForms easily. Javascript is just as usable with any of the above frameworks, so that with a little recherche in the jQuery plugin area, you might be able to quickly build your application.

You might check out web2py. Very easy CRUD, and great Ajax support (see also, web2py components). web2py's plugin_wiki also includes widgets for CRUD and jqGrid.

There's also a new grid plugin under development called powerTable, which is a web2py wrapper for the jQuery DataTables plugin.

If you have questions, the web2py community will be happy to help you out.





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