
Eclipse Android SDK - 'Building Workspace' deadlock

  • I have two Android projects in my Eclipse workspace (one is a library project used by the other)
  • Compiling the first (library) project works fine
  • The second one always hangs (at 98% complete)

I know there are similar issues covered in articles and blogs, but none of these guides seem to work.

So far, I have:

  • Cleaned projects
  • Created clean workspaces
  • Even had to do a clean install of Ubuntu (so all Eclipse, Java, Android SDK are clean)

Please help! I am at the end of my ropes with this problem!

I am running Ubuntu 10.04, Eclipse 3.5.2 (e开发者_Go百科verything is 32-bit). This setup had been working for a month or so, and just broke the other day.)

Building workspace gets stuck at 99% If Eclipse hangs while "building workspace", try killing any running adb processes in the background. There actually seem to be a variety of possible causes, but when using the ADT Eclipse plugins, this might work.

See here: http://android-sdk.wikispaces.com/Building+workspace+stuck+at+99%25

I found that when i plugged in a device while eclipse was running, it would halt progress on building. Unplugging it immediately fixed things. I had some bad drivers it seems.

Thanks for your comment suggestions.

I went through the logs, and they were not very informative.

It turns out the problem was with a corrupt PNG image (located in the library project -- which was compiling correctly!)

It was this post that led me to search the 'drawable' directories.





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