Read Java in as Hex
I have tried to solve this but I keep coming up with stuff that is no help I'm sure this is easy (when you know how of course ;) )
What I would like to do is read in a file using a byte stream like below:
while((read = != -1){
//code removed to save space
When it prints out the Hex to the screen it will print out numbers fine e.g 31 13 12 0
but when it comes to a hex code that should be 01 31 it will print 0 131. I want to read it in to a variable like you would see in a hex editor i.e 00 11 21 31 no single numbers as i need to scan the whole file and look for patterns which I know how to do I'm just stuck on this :/
so in short i need a variabe to contain the two hex characters i.e int temp = 01 not int temp = 0 , I hope this all makes sense, I'm a little confused as it's 3am!
If anyone knows how to do this I would be most greatful, p.s thanks for the help in advance this site has saved me loads of research and have learnt a lot!
Many thanks开发者_高级运维.
This method :
public static void printHexStream(final InputStream inputStream, final int numberOfColumns) throws IOException{
long streamPtr=0;
while (inputStream.available() > 0) {
final long col = streamPtr++ % numberOfColumns;
System.out.printf("%02x ",;
if (col == (numberOfColumns-1)) {
will output something like this :
40 32 38 00 5f 57 69 64 65 43
68 61 72 54 6f 4d 75 6c 74 69
42 79 74 65 40 33 32 00 5f 5f
69 6d 70 5f 5f 44 65 6c 65 74
65 46 69 6c 65 41 40 34 00 5f
53 65 74 46 69 6c 65 50 6f 69
6e 74 65 72 40 31 36 00 5f 5f
69 6d 70 5f 5f 47 65 74 54 65
6d 70 50 61 74 68 41 40 38 00
Is it what you are looking for?
I think what you're looking for is a formatter. Try:
Formatter formatter = new Formatter();
formatter.format("%02x", your_int);
Does that do what you're looking for? Your question wasn't all that clear (and I think maybe you deleted too much code from your snippet).
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File("c:/file.txt"));
String hexString = Hex.encodeHexString(IOUtils.toByteArray(is));
In java 7 you can read byte array directly from file as below :
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.Path;
Path path = Paths.get("path/to/file");
byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path)
Hi everyone one posted, thanks for the reply but the way I eneded up doing it was:
hexIn =;
s = Integer.toHexString(hexIn);
if(s.length() < 2){
s = "0" + Integer.toHexString(hexIn);
Just thought I would post they way I did it for anyone else in future, thank you soo much for your help though!