
Cocos2D LevelSVG iPhone Parallax Background, Adding during runtime

Guys. I'm writing a scrolling shooter game that has a very large Background image chopped up into smaller images to make it more manageable. Right now it i开发者_Go百科s setup so when the GameNode is init'd. A big long list of Images are added to the ParallaxNode and it is added to the Game. I thought I might save a lot of memory if I only kept one or two loaded into memory and swap them out as the Hero Character moves through the level. The problem is I can't seem to create a parallax background in another method that's called later. No errors it just doesn't show and seems to be the same code. Any Ideas?

Well I created the parallax layer having four layers in it and added it to the level layer which is extending from GameNode. If you can post some code, that may help.





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