Question about Rails, Haml, and Forms
= form_tag(:action => subscribe_url, :method => :post)
= @plans.each do |p|
%tr= p[:blurb]
%tr= p[:price]
= submit_tag( 'Subscribe', :class => 'button ok' )
Note: If you wish to cancel your subscription, please
-# link_to "contact Customer Support", "http://su开发者_如何学"
The error we're seeing is this: /home/mei/Jobfully/app/views/subscriptions/list.html.haml:21: syntax error, unexpected keyword_ensure, expecting $end
Extracted source (around line #21):
18: %br 19: Note: If you wish to cancel your subscription, please 20: -# link_to "contact Customer Support", ""
Any suggestions about what we're doing wrong hereenter code here
would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I don't know if it's directly related but form_tag
should be
- form_tag(:action => subscribe_url, :method => :post) do
and your each loop should be
- @plans.each do |p|
There's a lot of, what I would call, 'weirdness' going on in the haml you've posted above. By this, I really mean that you have tags that will just be completely empty, such as .section
and %p
since there is nothing nested underneath them. I would try cutting out as much as you can and start rebuilding the haml file piece by piece.
Try this
Note: If you wish to cancel your subscription, please
= link_to "contact Customer Support", ""