
Telerik Grid for ASP.NET MVC2 Ajax Binding doesn't work / routes to wrong actions

The gird loads b/c of开发者_运维知识库 server bindings. All the other actions are either posting to the wrong route, or to the default action: Insert posts to /EditOrder action Edit posts to this address: http://localhost:20588/Orders/EditOrder/sdsddd?OrderID=2&CustomerID=1&ItemsInOrderGrid-mode=edit which is meaningless (sdsddd is the ItemID) non of the breakpoints inside the AJAX sections in the controller are reached. Any idea what am I doing wrong ?

Thanks, Dani

here is the view code:

                                    .DataKeys(dataKeys =>
                                        dataKeys.Add(e => e.OrderID);
                                        dataKeys.Add(e => e.ItemID);
                    .ToolBar(commands => commands.Insert())
                    .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
                        dataBinding.Ajax()    //Ajax binding
                .Select("ItemsGridAjax", "Orders", new {OrderID = Model.order.OrderID})
                .Insert("InsertItemsGridAjax", "Orders", new {OrderID = Model.order.OrderID})
                .Update("UpdateItemsGridAjax", "Orders")
                .Delete("DeleteItemsGridAjax", "Orders"))
                    .Columns(c =>
                            c.Bound(o => o.ItemID);
                            c.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Column.Visible = false;
                            c.Bound(o => o.ItemDescription);
                            c.Bound(o => o.NumOfItems);
                            c.Bound(o => o.CostOfItem);
                            c.Bound(o => o.TotalCost);
                            c.Bound(o => o.SupplyDate);
                            c.Command(commands =>


Here is the code in the controller:

public ActionResult ItemsGridAjax(int OrderID)       
return View(ordersRepository.GetOrderItemsTK(OrderID));     

        public ActionResult InsertItemdGridAjax(int OrderID)
            //Create a new instance of the EditableCustomer class.
            ItemsInOrder newItem = ItemsInOrder.CreateItemsInOrder(OrderID, "");
            newItem.OrderID = OrderID;

            //Perform model binding (fill the customer properties and validate it).
            if (TryUpdateModel(newItem))
                //The model is valid - insert the customer.
                bool res = ordersRepository.InsertItemToOrder(OrderID, newItem);

            //Rebind the grid
            return View(ordersRepository.GetOrderItemsTK(OrderID));

  public ActionResult UpdateItemsGridAjax(int OrderID, string ItemID)
      //Find a customer whose CustomerID is equal to the id action parameter
      ItemsInOrder item = ordersRepository.FindItemByID(OrderID,ItemID);

      if (item != null)
          //Perform model binding (fill the customer properties and validate it).
          if (TryUpdateModel(item))
              //The model is valid - update the customer and redisplay the grid.
      // TODO: Add try-catch with error reporting.
      //Rebind the grid
      return View(ordersRepository.GetOrderItemsTK(OrderID));

        public ActionResult DeleteItemsGridAjax(int OrderID, string ItemID)
            //Find the customer with the specified id
            ItemsInOrder item = ordersRepository.FindItemByID(OrderID, ItemID);

            if (item != null)
                //Delete the customer

            //Rebind the grid
            return View(ordersRepository.GetOrderItemsTK(OrderID));

I'm not sure if you need the [HttpPost] attribute (I think just [GridAction] will be sufficient) on those Ajax Actions, perhaps try removing those and see if that fixes the problem.

If that didn't work, try returning a GridModel in your actions like so:

        public ActionResult InsertItemdGridAjax(int OrderID)
            //Omitted Code

           return View(new GridModel(ordersRepository.GetOrderItemsTK(OrderID)));

You could also use syntax similar to the following (as I think the GridModel likes having a total):

        public ActionResult InsertItemdGridAjax(int OrderID)
            //Omitted Code

            //Get List of Order Items
            List<OrderItem> list = ordersRepository.GetOrderItemsTK(OrderID));

            return View(new GridModel
                Data = list,
                Total = list.Count

A had same problem but in MVC 3

The solution was just to add appropriate *.js scripts into project, see this and add @(Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar().jQuery(false)) into end of the _Layout.cshtml file

A then routing goes fine!





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