
Choosing version control system

In out current project we are using VSS and SVN to keep track of the versions. For some reasons the developers in our site are not allowed to commit in them. So when many developers work with the same file, we ru开发者_JS百科n into versioning issues. It is very difficult to keep track of it. Can anyone suggest a version control system?

   1. It should be light-weight. 
   2. We are going to manage individual files. Not whole projects.
   3. It should have a GUI.
   4. Learning curve should be reduced to a minimum.

Not sure if these are high expectations, but do let me know about your thoughts.

For multi-site development, a DVCS (Distributed Version Control System) is actually recommended because it allows:

  • private commit
  • "backup" publication (you push your branch which will then be mirrored in the remote repo, still as your branch: nobody will be impacted)
  • common publication: you push a common branch (which you have pulled first to take into account other commits)

That publication workflow (orthogonal to branching) really opens more possibilities in term of code management.

Pick one (Git, Mercurial, ...) and you have a valid solution to your issues.

To elaborate on VonC's answer a DVCS would allow all the off site devs to commit to one server but allow the onsite devs to control (by pulling) what is mergred into their controled branch/repo if they want.

i.e. if the onsite guys are scared of you commiting it is probably because they dont understand bracnhing and merging. and at the moment DVCSs are the kings of branch and merging





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