Get all photos from Picasa by person
Is it possible to get all photos by a persons name through the Picasa Web Albums Data API?
All examples I can find, shows开发者_运维技巧 how to get photos by an albumid.
You can request a list of the most recent photos, with a very high value for max-results.
I'm not sure if you are using the .NET API Client Library, but if so, an example is here:
Use query.NumberToRetrieve to set the value for max-results.
If you are not using the .NET Client Library, an example using HTTP protocol can be found here:
You can retrieve facial recognition data from the Picasa Web API through a (currently) undocumented API URL that is used by the Picasa desktop application. More info here:
by setting "default" that mean retrieving current user with that code you can retrive the user photos in specific album
PhotoQuery query = new PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri("default", albumId));
PicasaFeed feed = picasaService.Query(query);
foreach (var entry in feed.Entries)
PhotoAccessor photoAccessor = new PhotoAccessor((PicasaEntry)entry);
Photo photo = new Photo();
photo.Title = photoAccessor.PhotoTitle;
photo.Summary = photoAccessor.PhotoSummary;
photo.MediaUri = entry.Content.AbsoluteUri;
photo.Id = photoAccessor.Id;
photo.AlbumId = photoAccessor.AlbumId;
If you know the subjectid then using an RSS link you can get a feed of ALL images for that user regardless of albums. The link is:
Also, you can find the subjectids by going to each person on PWA and clicking the RSS link at the bottom of the page.
I am stil trying to find a way to get all subjectids without a manual lookup.