
What are some good free, open sourced, cross platform game engines? [closed]

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I have a great idea for a 3D game, but I do not want to start from scratch with OpenGL. I also do not want to reinvent the wheel. I found OGRE, and it seemed like it was perfect for my needs, except it lacked physics and audio. I do not need crazy graphics, shaders or high polygon counts, but the world will be very big, so it needs good scene or LOD management. I also will probably want to bring in rigged characters so skeletal biped animation support would be needed开发者_开发技巧. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Have a look at some of the answers from this question. You may find some useful libraries listed.

If you're open to alternatives to C++, you can check out this answer on the game development stack exchange website. The answer covers lots of options for game engines, physics engines and Graphics/Sound engines. Most listed here focus on C# (because of the question obviously), but some of them are wrappers for C++ libraries (you can always check out the native libraries that are being wrapped).

Old versions of the Quake engine are released under the GPL.





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