CSS Opacity error in W3C Validator
I need to W3C CSS Validator logo for my website. Due to some error I m not getting it. I need your help to get them logo. Here is W3C Error List
100 .jdGallery a.right, .jdGallery a.left Parse Error opacity=20)
100 .jdGallery a.right, .jdGallery a.left Property -moz-opacity doesn't exist : 0.2 0.2
100 .jdGallery a.right, .jdGallery a.left Property -khtml-opacity doesn't exist : 0.2 0.2
100 .jdGallery a.right, .jdGallery a.left Property opacity doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 0.2 0.2
103 * html .jdGallery a.right, * html .jdGallery a.left Parse Error opacity=50)
106 .jdGallery a.right:hover, .jdGallery a.left:hover Parse Error opacity=80)
106 .jdGallery a.right:hover, .jdGallery a.left:hover Property -moz-opacity doesn't exist : 0.8 0.8
106 .jdGallery a.right:hover, .jdGallery a.left:hover Property -khtml-opacity doesn't exist : 0.8 0.8
106 .jdGallery a.right:hover, .jdGallery a.left:hover Property opacity doesn't exist in CSS level 2开发者_高级运维.1 but exists in : 0.8 0.8
122 .withArrows a.open Property -moz-opacity doesn't exist : 0.8 0.8
122 .withArrows a.open Property -khtml-opacity doesn't exist : 0.8 0.8
122 .withArrows a.open Property opacity doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 0.8 0.8
127 * html .withArrows a.open:hover Parse Error opacity=80)
148 .jdGallery a.gallerySelectorBtn Property opacity doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 0.4 0.4
149 .jdGallery a.gallerySelectorBtn Property -moz-opacity doesn't exist : 0.4 0.4
150 .jdGallery a.gallerySelectorBtn Property -khtml-opacity doesn't exist : 0.4 0.4
151 .jdGallery a.gallerySelectorBtn Parse Error opacity=40)
I think all errors are same. The problem is only one opacity.
Please send me your inputs how to resolve these errors and get validate logo.
Thanks Rakesh Prajapati
The problem is -moz-opacity,-khtml-opacity
they are not valid on W3c validator.. remove them and check
The way to do opacity in IE < 9 is via the non-standard filter
property (it uses a Direct X filter)...there's not much you can do here, if you want opacity in IE.
If it helps, it's complaining about your properties that look like this: filter: alpha(opacity = 50);
, the same for other non-standard opacity:
The fact of the matter is opacity wasn't standardized early enough...and to use it is hacky, it wont validate...either accept that it won't validate or remove it from all browsers that don't support the standard opacity:
property, those are the two choices available.