Raster to polygon script loop failing!! error 99999!
I am trying to make a script which selects every .png file in a folder beginning with the letters "LG". I then want the scipt create a shapefile, replacing the "LG" with "SH", and then i want the script to buffer that shapefile and rename the buffer with the first 2 letters being "SB"!
I keep getting an error 99999 error message at line 37!
( gp.RasterToPolygon_conversion(INPUT_RASTER, Output_polygon_features, "SIMPLIFY", "VALUE") )
Can anyone see why this isnt working? I am very, very new to this and have been staring at this script pulling out my hair for days!!
Here is the script:
# Load required toolboxes...
gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Conversion Tools.tbx")
gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Analysis Tools.tbx")
# Script arguments...
folder = "D:\\J04-0083\\IMAGEFILES"
for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(folder): # returms root, dirs, and files
for filename in filenames:
filename_split =开发者_StackOverflow中文版 os.path.splitext(filename) # filename and extensionname (extension in [1])
filename_zero = filename_split[0]
first_2_letters = filename_zero[0] + filename_zero[1]
first_2_letters = "XX"
if first_2_letters == "LG":
Output_polygon_features = "D:\\J04-0083\\ShapeFiles.gdb\\" + "SH_" + filename + ".shp"
# Process: Raster to Polygon...
INPUT_RASTER = os.path.join(root + "\\" + filename_zero + ".png")
gp.RasterToPolygon_conversion(INPUT_RASTER, Output_polygon_features, "SIMPLIFY", "VALUE")
Distance__value_or_field_ = "5 Meters"
Raster_Buffer_shp = "SB_" + filename + ".shp"
# Process: Buffer...
gp.Buffer_analysis(Output_polygon_features, Raster_Buffer_shp, Distance__value_or_field_, "FULL", "ROUND", "NONE", "")
Is .png the format that this function wants? PNG is a compressed format so I would think that something like this would be expecting an uncompressed format. In fact, since the name of the function is RasterToPolygon_conversion, wouldn't the function be expecting a raster format? The docs say that the input should be an integer raster dataset
. In addition, The input raster can have any cell size and may be any valid integer raster dataset.
Anyway, I suspect that is the real problem.
The last thing to check, if the file is in the correct format as per above, is if there is a field VALUE
in the file.
try using a GRID or TIFF file instead of a PNG. You can convert the PNG with: http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgiSDEsktop/9.3/index.cfm?TopicName=raster_to_other_format_(multiple)_(conversion)
and then process it's output into the Raster to Polygon conversion.
You could also check the file path of the INPUT RASTER to make sure it looks correct by:
INPUT_RASTER = os.path.join(root + "\\" + filename_zero + ".png")
gp.RasterToPolygon_conversion(INPUT_RASTER, Output_polygon_features, "SIMPLIFY", "VALUE")
There is also a method of building a filepath by:
import os
root + os.sep + filename_zero + '.png'