Creating scoreboard with complicated rules
I need to make a scoreboard creating by such list of rules:
Teams' places at the first stage of the Championship are determined by the most amount of points. For the victory in a match the team charges 3 points, for draw - 1 point and for loss - 0 points.
In case of equal results of two or more teams, their places are determined in such way:
According to the results of game(s) with each other:
greater number of points;
The best difference between scored and conceded goals;
Greater number of goals scored in these games;
Greater number of goals scored on a foreign field in these games;
A greater number of victories in all games;
The best difference between goals scored and goals conceded in all matches;
The largest number of goals scored in all matches;
The largest number of goals scored in others' fields in all matches;
Now I have such kind of models:
from django.db import models
class Team(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
def __unicode__(self):
class Game(models.Model):
beginning = models.DateTimeField()
place = models.CharField(max_length=50)
spectators = models.IntegerField()
def __unicode__(self):
return self.beginning.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p")
class TeamGame(models.Model):
(RESULT_WIN, 'Win'),
(RESULT_LOSE, 'Lose'),
(RESULT_DRAW, 'Draw'),
HOME_FIE开发者_如何学CLD = 'h'
(HOME_FIELD, 'home'),
(OUT_FIELD, 'out')
game = models.ForeignKey(Game)
team_name = models.ForeignKey(Team)
goals_hit = models.IntegerField()
goals_get = models.IntegerField()
result = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=RESULT_CHOICES, blank=True)
field = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=FIELD_CHOICES, blank=True)
How can I create such a horrible thing?:) Plz, help!)
seems like what you want to do is use sort(). python's sort sorts tuples lexicographically, i.e. if the first item is the same it checks the second (etc...)
def rank_teams():
rank = []
# iterate through teams and create a tuple with most important to least important
# sort params. team bust be the last object
for team in Team.objects.all():
points = 0
best_goal_gap = 0
best_goals = 0
best_away_goals = 0
all_victories = 0
for game in TeamGame.objects.filter(team_name=team):
points += {'w':3, 'd':1, 'l':0}[game.result]
best_goal_gap = max(best_goal_gap, game.goals_hit-game.goals_get)
best_goals = max(best_goals, game.goals_get)
if game.field == 'o':
best_away_goals = max(best_away_goals, game.goals_get)
if game.result == 'w':
all_victories +=1
rank.append((points, best_goal_gap, best_goals, best_away_goals, all_victories, team))
#sort the teams
team_rank = [team for p,g,b,a,v,team in rank]
return team_rank
this function will return a list of team objects sorted in the order you desire (according to the first bullet point.
I think you're trying to do three things at once; don't.
- Insert each team's information into the table (model)
- Calculate each team's score based on that information (model)
- Display the teams in order based on score (view)