How to select a certain text from text file and enter into text box
Hi all I have a sql script in text file which is as follows
create view [dbo].[budget_change-22]
as select projectname, projectnumber,location, client
'SET NOCOUNT ON;SET FMTONLY OFF;EXEC abcworks_sto..SP_Budget_444 38') AS Workchanged_444
Now in the above script i have to select Server value (AA开发者_StackOverflowBB1089\abcWORKSS_STO), UID value(abcwork), Pwd value(abcdef) so that i can replace in text box and edit them to create a new text file with different name.
This depends on the framework your UI is using, however as you have tagged c# I am going to assume winforms.
Would it be feasible to do this instead? Place your SQL in a file but do not populate the parameters, instead put in place holders that you can then use in code to add the values coming in from your textboxes, for example:
create view [dbo].[budget_change-22]
as select projectname, projectnumber,location, client
'SET NOCOUNT ON;SET FMTONLY OFF;EXEC abcworks_sto..SP_Budget_444 38') AS Workchanged_444
Notice the '{x}', in your code read in the file and use string.Format to replace {x} values as necessary. Psuedo code:
// Read in the template file
string fileSql = System.File.IO.ReadAllText(pathToYourTemplateFile)
// Replace the place holders with your values (sample assumes
// they are coming from textboxes on the UI
string formattedSql = string.Format(fileSql,
// Write out the new file
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(formattedSql, pathToYourNewFile);
If for whatever reason you can't go down the route of a template file, then you could use string.Replace() for example
// Read in the template file
string fileSql = System.File.IO.ReadAllText(pathToYourTemplateFile)
// Replace the values with the input from the UI
fileSql.Replace("AABB1089\abcWORKSS_STO", txtServer.Text)
// ... same for uid ...
// ... same for pwd ...
// Write out the new file
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fileSql , pathToYourNewFile);