CONCAT_WS for Rails?
No matter what language I'm using I always need to display a list of strings separated by some delimiter.
Let's say, I have a collection of products and need to display its names separated by ', '
So I have a collection of Products, where each one has a 'name' attribute. I'm looking for some Rails method/helper (if it doesn't exist, maybe you can give me ideas to build it in a rails way) that will receive a collection, an attribute/method that will be called on each collection item and a string for the separator.
But I want something that does not include the separator at the end, because I will end with "Notebook, Computer, Keyboard, Mouse, " that 2 last characters should no开发者_JAVA百科t be there.
concat_ws(@products, :title, ", ")
#displays: Notebook, Computer, Keyboard, Mouse
Supposing @products has 4 products with that names of course.
you should try the helper to_sentence.
If you have an array, you can do something like
array.to_sentence. If your array has the data banana, apple, chocolate it will become: banana, apple and chocolate.
So now if you have your AR Model with a field named, you could do something like { |r| }.to_sentence', ')
As @VP mentioned, Array#to_sentence does this job well in rails. The code for it is here:
Saying that, its use of the Oxford Comma is questionable :-)