
How to improve painting performance of DataGridView?

(sorry for bad English)

I have a big problem with performance of DataGridView when it re-paints.

I'm using a DataGridView to show logs from an external application stream. Messages from the stream come in with a high frequen开发者_开发知识库cy (less than 1 ms). If I add new row to the DataGridView immediately when each new message comes, the DataGridView doesn't have time to re-paint itself before the next message comes.

A possible solution is to use a queue to collect messages and re-paint DataGridView every 100 ms with messages from queue. This is good but the DataGridView blinks when it auto-scrolls to the last row. (Smooth scroll is disabled)

Can you help me to improve DataGridView performance?

I recently had some slowness issues with DataGridView and the solution was the following code

public static void DoubleBuffered(this DataGridView dgv, bool setting)
    Type dgvType = dgv.GetType();
    PropertyInfo pi = dgvType.GetProperty("DoubleBuffered",
          BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
    pi.SetValue(dgv, setting, null);

It turns double buffering on for DataGridView objects. Just call DoubleBuffered() on your DGV. Hope it helps.

Edit: I might've gotten this off SO, but I can't search for the original right now so this is just to emphasize that the code isn't mine.

Have you enabled double buffering for the grid view?

have a look at Horrible redraw performance of the DataGridView on one of my two screens

if you haven't already for some ideas

Clean Solution without reflection is:

public class DataGridViewDoubleBuffered : DataGridView
   public DataGridViewDoubleBuffered()
       DoubleBuffered = true;

Then go to myForm.designer.cs and change a type from DataGridView to DataGridViewDoubleBuffered .

Also read MSDN article: Best Practices for Scaling the Windows Forms DataGridView Control

When working with large amounts of data, the DataGridView control can consume a large amount of memory in overhead, unless you use it carefully. On clients with limited memory, you can avoid some of this overhead by avoiding features that have a high memory cost.

You can also manage some or all of the data maintenance and retrieval tasks yourself using virtual mode in order to customize the memory usage for your scenario. More detail you can visit dapfor. com

i use this solution and saw bit fixed.

Reflection is used so import this too in code

using System.Reflection;

BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetProperty,
null,this.dataGridView1,new object[] { true });




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