
What authentication options do you have in django?

I'm new to django, are there many choices for user authentication (in terms of plugins) or is there just one way to do it开发者_StackOverflow?

There's one correct way to log a user in, but there are many, may, many potential authdbs.

The socialauth module provides you one click login options via various OpenId Providers like (Google, Yahoo, custom etc) + Twitter + Facebook. Read more about socialauth at http://uswaretech.com/blog/2009/08/django-socialauth-login-via-twitter-facebook-openid-yahoo-google/ and source is on github https://github.com/uswaretech/Django-Socialauth

If you want to allow your users to signup/singin with Twitter, Facebook and OpenID (i.e. Google and others), I suggest django-socialregistration. A few months ago when I did a research it was the most straightforward and complete such library out there, and now it looks like it's I was right as it's gaining momentum in Django community.


Django gurus also use django-socialregistration: http://www.revsys.com/officehours/2010/nov/05/#question27 :-)

You have many choices to choose from. You can use Django's default user authentication, Django-OpenID, and a lot more. One of the easiest app to setup is 'django_openid_auth'. You can view the snippets here: http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2183/





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