Only allow one audio element to play at a time
I have multiple audio players, each with a play and stop button, on one page. The only issue I have is when you click one play button, and then another, they play on top of one another. Can s开发者_运维问答omeone help me with the code I would need to stop whatever song is playing when another play button is clicked - so there would never be more than one song playing at a time?? Thanks! Here is my code:
$("#audio-player")[0].currentTime = 0;
$("#audio-player1")[0].currentTime = 0;
var allAudioEls = $('audio');
function pauseAllAudio() {
allAudioEls.each(function() {
var a = $(this).get(0);
$("#audio-player")[0].currentTime = 0;
$("#audio-player1")[0].currentTime = 0;
Here is my php code
<div id="sourceplay"></div>
<table class="table tlm-table-epg">
<?php foreach (\common\models\Video::find()->orderBy('id desc')->all() as $valuevideo): ?>
<tr class="tlm-epg">
<td class="width35">
<a class="playbutton"
values="<?= Yii::$app->urlManager->baseUrl . $valuevideo->url ?>" tss="<?=$valuevideo->id?>"><i
id="ts-<?=$valuevideo->id?>" class="fa fa-play-circle-o font-size-25"></i></a>
<p><?= $valuevideo->name ?></p>
<p class="margin-top-10px"><?php $date = date_create_from_format('Ymd', $valuevideo->code);
echo date_format($date, 'd/m/Y'); ?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
$(document).ready(function () {
$(document).on('click','.playbutton',function () {
var self=$(this);
if(self.attr('class')!='playbutton actives'){
var t = $(".fa.fa-pause-circle-o.font-size-25");
var r = $("#ts-"+self.attr('tss'));
var last = $(".playbutton.actives");
$("#sourceplay").html('<audio controlsList="nodownload" id="mainpls" autoplay="true" controls="controls">' +
'<source src="'+self.attr('values')+'" type="audio/mpeg" >' +
t.attr('class','fa fa-play-circle-o font-size-25 actives');
r.attr('class','fa fa-pause-circle-o font-size-25');
self.attr('class','playbutton actives');
}else {
var t = $(".fa.fa-pause-circle-o.font-size-25");
var last = $(".playbutton.actives");
t.attr('class','fa fa-play-circle-o font-size-25 actives');