PIL: Create one-dimensional histogram of image color lightness?
I've been working on a script, and I need it to basically:
- Make the image greyscale (or bitonal, I will play with both to see which one works better).
- Process each individual column and create a net intensity value for each column.
- Spit the results into an ordered list.
There is a really easy way to do this with ImageMagick (although you need a few Linux utilities to process the output text), but I'm not really seeing how to do this with Python and PIL.
Here's what I have so far:
from PIL import Image
image_file = 'test.tiff'
image = Image.open(image_file).convert('L')
histo = image.histogram()
histo_string = ''
for i in histo:
histo_string += str(i) + "\n"
This outputs something (I am looking to graph the results), but it looks nothing like the ImageMagick output. I'm using this to detect the seam and content of a scanned book.
Thanks to anyone who helps!
I've got a (nasty-looking) solution that works, for now:
from PIL import Image
import numpy
def smoothListGaussian(list,degree=5):
for i in range(window):
for i in range(len(smoothed)):
return smoothed
image_file = 'verypurple.jpg'
out_file = 'out.tiff'
image = Image.open(image_file).convert('1')
image2 = image.load()
intensities = []
for x in xrange(image.size[0]):
for y in xrange(image.size[1]):
intensities[x].append(image2[x, y] )
plot = [开发者_运维百科]
for x in xrange(image.size[0]):
for y in xrange(image.size[1]):
plot[x] += intensities[x][y]
plot = smoothListGaussian(plot, 10)
plot_str = ''
for x in range(len(plot)):
plot_str += str(plot[x]) + "\n"
I see you are using numpy. I would convert the greyscale image to a numpy array first, then use numpy to sum along an axis. Bonus: You'll probably find your smoothing function runs a lot faster when you fix it to accept an 1D array as input.
>>> from PIL import Image
>>> import numpy as np
>>> i = Image.open(r'C:\Pictures\pics\test.png')
>>> a = np.array(i.convert('L'))
>>> a.shape
(2000, 2000)
>>> b = a.sum(0) # or 1 depending on the axis you want to sum across
>>> b.shape
From the docs for PIL, histogram
gives you a list of pixel counts for each pixel value in the image. If you have a grayscale image, there will be 256 different possible values, ranging from 0 to 255, and the list returned from image.histogram
will have 256 entries.