jQuery on responseXML in a Firefox ext
I'm trying to allow jQuery 1.4.2 work on a responseXML variable, but it doesn't... I can only let it work with the live page displayed. Here's my code:
var url = myext.baseuri + "/Common/page.asp";
var httpRequest = myext.createHttpRequest();
httpRequest.open('GET', url, false);
if (httpRequest.status == 200) {
$h = function(selector,context){ return new jQuery.fn.init(selector,context||httpRequest.responseXML); };
} else {
Firebug.Console.warn("status "+ httpRequest.status);
I see the following results in Firebug console:
- Null
- jQuery(Document )
- Null
I don't understand how I should utilize jQuery in this case... why the first row returns Null? I really need some help...
You shouldn't use html() on XML documents, as it is specified in jQuery documentation : http://docs.jquery.com/Html.
If you want to get the text contained in the "select#id" element, you should try
as the text() function can be used on XML documents (cf jQuery documentation).
If you want to get another element of your XML response, you can get it like this :
Firebug.Console.log($h("tagName1 tagName2 tagName3"));
I haven't tried to get elements by Id like you tried with "#id", but I think that it may be not supported by jQuery for XML document as it calls "document.getElementById()". You may try instead :
You will not have the same performances with this method, but it may work !
Here is an example of what i am working on :
var req = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
req.onload = function(){
var xml = req.responseXML;
$xml = function(selector){ return new jQuery.fn.init(selector,xml); };
Firebug.Console.log($xml("schedule[order='1'] item"));
req.open("GET", url, true);
req.channel.loadFlags |= Components.interfaces.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE;
And the Firebug Console :[item, item, item, item]
Here is an example of the XML I am working on :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schedule order="1">
<title><![CDATA[Prochains passages en temps réel]]></title>
<item order="1">
<texte2><![CDATA[11 mn]]></texte2>
<item order="2">
<texte2><![CDATA[30 mn]]></texte2>
<item order="3">
<texte1><![CDATA[Place Jean Poulmarch]]></texte1>
<texte2><![CDATA[4 mn]]></texte2>
<item order="4">
<texte1><![CDATA[Place Jean Poulmarch]]></texte1>
<texte2><![CDATA[24 mn]]></texte2>
Hope it can help !