Ruby/Rails/PostgreSQL PGError: syntax error at or near
I'm getting the error in the title when trying to select a cookie value from a table in a postgresql database, and I've no idea why. Selecting other fields in this table work fine.
Here's the line where it is breaking:
user=UniqueUser.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT visitor_id', :conditions=> "visitor_id=#{visitorid}")
The column is defined as character varying(255)
Here's the error:
ers/abstract_adapter.rb:219:in `log': PGError: ERROR: syntax error at or near "
c5a" (ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid)
LINE 1: ...M "unique_users" WHERE (visitor_id=d5fb0ff2-319e-4c5a-b07c-a...
It seems like Rails should put quotes around the data field in the where clause.
I'm certainly not a Rails expert, so it could be something really simple that I am doing wrong, and appreciate any help.
You aren't escaping your input properly. Try this:
user = UniqueUser.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT visitor_id', :conditions=> ['visitor_id = ?', visitorid])