
How to use Github? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.

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I have created a GitHub account.

I'd开发者_运维问答 like to know how to use it and why is should be used.

GitHub hosts git repositories. Git is a Distributed Revision Control System which allows you to store source code (or other data) in a versioned repository, and then (if you so desire) share that information and collaborate with other people.

A good free book to get started with using Git is ProGit ( http://progit.org/book/ )

GitHub hosts Git repositories in such a way that it combines a social networking type site with a programming site to create a social programming site. You can just push your git repos up to GitHub to share your code with the world.


I was just viewing a git hub tutorial today! Git Hub on code school. You may have to sign up for a free account. I stopped about halfway through because its going to be awhile before I need git hub, but I feel like I learned some stuff.

Are you using a mac? There is a git hub app. http://mac.github.com/ I can't say anything about it though.





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