
Openerp : new module is not showing into module list

Basically I have two problems:

  1. My newly c开发者_如何学Coded module is not showing into module list , so I am unable to install.
  2. I want to debug my module before installation , is there any way through i can do that

Make sure that the module is in addons directory(in linux machine), else check the path of the addons in terminal,

after that update the module list in OpenERP.(update module list will only visible to admin with full access rights.)

then you can see your module in module list, and from form view you can install/un install the module.

to debug the OpenERP module: you have start the server with --log-level=debug_rpc_answer parameter. eg.

$ python ./openerp-server --addons ../addons/,../openerp-web/addons --log-level=debug_rpc_answer

I am showing this thing for the latest trunk version okz.

If you have developed a new module in addons and if u have added it in the addons folder and than also it is not showing in the module list than first of all restart the server by this.

./openerp-server --addons-path=../openobject-addons/,../openerp-web/addons/

than go to the browser and open the


than login into OpenERP than goto the settingz menu and than to USERS > users than select ur user and edit it than check the checkbox of TECHINAL FEATURES than save it and reload the brower.

Than after reload go to the setting than now in setting > module. U will find three sub menus in the module menu. Itz like this,

1. Modules
2. Update Modules List
3. Apply Scheduled Upgrades

Than go to the Update Modules list than update it than search ur module and u can find it their.



You should put your module here /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/addons unlike commonly misplaced to /usr/share/pyshared/openerp/addons

change ownership: sudo chown -R root.root usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/addons/module_name

change permissions of the module: sudo chmod 755 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/addons/module_name -R

restart the server: sudo service openerp restart

Have you read through the module development chapter in the documentation? Did you create your module directory under the existing addons directory or somewhere else? If you put it somewhere else, then you either have to create a link from the addons directory to your module, or zip up your module and import it to the server.

As for testing your module, you can create test scenarios as part of the module. They get executed when you create a database with sample data and then install your module on that database.

you need to enable "extended view" for your admin users.

Then, after restarting your instance (necessary so that the new module is seen by the server) you will be able to go to "Preferences -> Modules -> Update module list". After that, you module should appear in the Modules list.

To debug your module, I suggest adding pdb break points in the code which is called by your actions, using e.g.

import pdb

This will cause the Python interpreter to go in debug mode when the callback is run.

After updating your module list, go to Installed modules. Remove the installed filter from the filter drop down at the top right of the page. Then search for your module name (since normally the number of modules are more than one page)

  1. Enable extended interface (User --> Preferences --> Interface = Extended)
  2. Go to settings --> Modules . (now you will be able to see update Modules list)

Then you'll see modules.

Make sure you click 'Installed Modules', and not 'Apps'.

What worked for me on Windows 10:

  1. Sign out from Odoo and create a new DB
  2. Stop Odoo from the Services
  3. Start Odoo with --update=alloption
  4. Update Apps List while debug mode enabled.




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