
Multi-part identifier could not be bound

I know that there are several questions around this exception on SO, but nothing seen that helps me.

I have following query giving me a "Multi-part identifier 'claim.fiData' could not be bound"-Exception:

SELECT  claim.idData FROM tabData as claim 
 INNER JOIN dbo._previousClaimsByFiData(claim.fiData) AS prevClaim 
 ON prevClaim.idData=claim.fiData 
GROUP BY claim.idData
HAVING(prevClaim.fiMaxActionCode IN (8, 23, 24) and 
prevClaim.Repair_Completion_Date >= DATEADD(day,-90,prevClaim.Repair_Completion_Date))
ORDER BY claim.idData

previousClaimsByFiData is a Table-Valued-Function that returns all previous records. You can find it here if you're interested. Now i want to find all claims that have previous claims in the last 90 days with a maxActionCode IN(8, 23, 24).

What i've also tried was following:

SELECT  count(*) FROM tabData as claim 
where exists(
 select 1 from dbo._previousClaimsByFiData(claim.fiData)as prevClaim where 
  prevClaim.fiMaxActionCode IN(8, 23, 24)and 
  prevClaim.Repair_Completion_Date >= DATEADD(day,-90,claim.Repair_Completion_Date)

But that gives me a "The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion"-Exception.

Why do i get those exceptions and how to avoid them?

Thank you

EDIT: asked another question which is reduced on the main problem. I can delete this when i get an answer there.

UPDATE: Marc answered a simplified question according to this here. So the way to go is Cross Apply. But now i have the next prob开发者_StackOverflow中文版lem what i've already mentioned above. I get a "The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion" Error after a few seconds. I dont know where to add the OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) because i get a "Incorrect Syntax" if i try to add it in the Inline-TVF.

My current query is:

SELECT  claim.idData FROM tabData  claim 
    CROSS APPLY dbo._previousClaimsByFiData(claim.fiData)AS tvfData 
GROUP BY claim.idData,claim.Repair_Completion_Date,tvfData.Repair_Completion_Date,tvfData.fiMaxActionCode
HAVING(tvfData.fiMaxActionCode IN (8, 23, 24) and 
tvfData.Repair_Completion_Date >= DATEADD(day,-90,claim.Repair_Completion_Date))
ORDER BY claim.idData

UPDATE: the solution was to add the OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) to the end of the SELECT Statement.

The solution was to add the OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) to the end of the SELECT Statement. The working query is now:

SELECT claim.idData,claim.Repair_Completion_Date,prevClaim.Repair_Completion_Date,prevClaim.fiMaxActionCode FROM tabData  claim 
    CROSS APPLY dbo._previousClaimsByFiData(claim.fiData)AS prevClaim 
GROUP BY claim.idData,claim.Repair_Completion_Date,prevClaim.Repair_Completion_Date,prevClaim.fiMaxActionCode
HAVING(prevClaim.fiMaxActionCode IN (8, 23, 24) and 
prevClaim.Repair_Completion_Date >= DATEADD(day,-90,claim.Repair_Completion_Date))
ORDER BY claim.idData

It's not the fastest query(takes more than a minute to get 23000 records in a >11Mio rec table) but it works.

UPDATE: The following query is much faster(<4 seconds) and uses EXISTS without CROSS APPLY:

  SELECT     idData
    FROM     tabData AS claim
    WHERE    fiProductType=1 and fiClaimStatus IN(1,5,7,8,9) AND EXISTS
         (SELECT idData
          FROM   dbo._previousClaimsByFiData(claim.fiData) AS prevClaim
          WHERE  (fiProductType = 1) AND (fimaxActionCode IN (8, 23, 24)) 
          AND (Repair_Completion_Date >= DATEADD(dd, - 90, DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd,0, claim.Repair_Completion_Date), 0))) 
          AND (Repair_Completion_Date <= claim.Repair_Completion_Date)) 
  order by claim.idData




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