iPhone gamecenter submitting highest score?
I am using below function to submit score to game center. How to modify below开发者_如何学运维 code so that I can send the score only if it is highest than already submitted score? And I dont want to maintain the scores locally. Any help?
- (void) reportScore: (int64_t) score forCategory: (NSString*) category
GKScore *scoreReporter = [[[GKScore alloc] initWithCategory:category] autorelease];
scoreReporter.value = score;
[scoreReporter reportScoreWithCompletionHandler: ^(NSError *error)
[self callDelegateOnMainThread: @selector(scoreReported:) withArg: NULL error: error];
Edit : I just found that it is handled by the game center only... Only the top score will displayed on the gamecenter app.
You can retrieve the previous score using
GKLeaderboard *query = [[GKLeaderBoard alloc] initWithPlayerIDs:[NSArray arrayWithObject:yourPlayerId]];
if (query != nil)
[query loadScoresWithCompletionHandler: ^(NSArray *scores, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil)
// handle the error.
if (scores != nil)
// process the score information.
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