
Problems with calculations and conversions in Visual Basic Form

In the code below I get the "Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid." error. Can anyone let me know why this is ? Thanks.

Public Class Form1 Dim SalesDecimal As Decimal Const BasePay As Decimal = 250D Const CommissionRate As Decimal = 0.15D Dim Quota As Integer = 1000 Dim TotalSalesAmt, TotalComAmt, GrandTotal As Decimal

Private Sub PayToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PayToolStripMenuItem.Click
    SalesDecimal = Decimal.Parse(TextBox3.Text)
    TextBox2.Text = Decimal.Parse(CommissionCalc(SalesDecimal))
    ***TextBox4.Text = Decimal.Parse(CommissionRate * SalesDecimal)***
    If TextBox3.Text < 1000 Then
        TextBox4.Text = ""
    End If
    TotalSalesAmt += TextBox3.Text
    TotalComAmt += TextBox4.Text
    GrandTotal += TextBox2.Text
End Sub
Private Function CommissionCalc(ByVal Sales As Integer) As Decimal
    Dim Total = (SalesDecimal * CommissionRate) + BasePay
    If Sales >= Quota Then
        Return Total

        Return BasePay
    End If
End Function

Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub

Private Sub ClearToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ClearToolStripMenuItem.Click
    TextBox1.Text = ""
    TextBox2.Text = ""
    TextBox3.Text = ""
    TextBox4.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub ColorToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ColorToolStripMenuItem.Click
    With ColorDialog1
        TextBox2.ForeColor = .Color

    End With
End Sub

Private Sub FontToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FontToolStripMenuItem.Click
    W开发者_高级运维ith FontDialog1
        TextBox2.Font = .font
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub SummaryToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SummaryToolStripMenuItem.Click
    Dim MessageString As String
    MessageString = "Amount of sales: " & TotalSalesAmt.ToString("C") _
    & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine _
    & "Total Commissions: " & TotalComAmt.ToString("C") _
    & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine _
    & "Total Pay: " & GrandTotal.ToString("C")
    MessageBox.Show(MessageString, "Sales Summary", MessageBoxButtons.OK)

End Sub

End Class

You need to explicitly cast your variables when pushing them into the text box.

If TextBox3.Text < 1000 Then
    TextBox4.Text = ""
End If
TotalSalesAmt += TextBox3.Text
TotalComAmt += TextBox4.Text
GrandTotal += TextBox2.Text

For instance your TextBox3.Text above is a String, not a Decimal. Your trying to move through types without casting them to the appropriate type.

TextBox2.Text = Decimal.Parse(CommissionCalc(SalesDecimal))

You are using Decimal.Parse incorrectly. Decimal.Parse is used to parse a String to a Decimal type, you seem to be using it to do both a string to decimal and decimal to string. If you want to get the string representation of the decimal value you should use ToString. In the example above form your code, CommisionCalc returns a Decimal number, you need to call CommissionCalc(SalesDecimal).ToString() not Decimal.Parse()





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