How to open an specific section of a chm file in Python?
How can I open a .chm help file in a particular section using Python? Actually I am opening the file with the following function:
def help(self):
# Open the help file
os.startfile( os.getcwd()+"/config/help.chm")
Other sugestion :
subprocess.Popen("hh.exe d:/help.chm::/4_Userguide.htm#_Toc270510")
I find a way to do it, but is more related to the hh program in Windows:
My help file was generated using the program chmprocessor which generate the chm file and I generate a hhk file (containing the references). Using this file I used the following code
def help(self)
os.system("hh.exe d:/help.chm::/4_Userguide.htm#_Toc270510")
I think this is the way, If there are another easy way. please let me know.