
Is there a plugin for vim to auto-import python libraries? [closed]

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In eclipse you can hit Ctrl+Shift+o to automatically import all the libraries you reference in your code. Is there any similar plugin for vim to have this feature with python?

There is ropevim. It is available on pypi as well

The autoimport (adds missing imports) and organizeimport (reorder imports) features work well, but it is a little invasive at times (it will create a .ropeproject folder in your project). Rope code completion is also quite good so I use standard code completion with tab, and when it's not enough, I use ctrl-space to use ropevim autocompletion.

Here are some of my mappings with ropevim:

" Rope AutoImport and OrganizeImport
nnoremap <C-S-o> :RopeOrganizeImports<CR>0<CR><CR>
nnoremap <C-S-i> :RopeAutoImport<CR>

" Rope AutoComplete
let ropevim_vim_completion = 1
let ropevim_extended_complete = 1
let g:ropevim_autoimport_modules = ["os.*","traceback","django.*","lxml.etree","lxml.*"]
imap <c-space> <C-R>=RopeCodeAssistInsertMode()<CR>

" Rope Menu
menu Python.Create\ Package :RopeCreatePackage<CR>
menu Python.Create\ Module :RopeCreateModule<CR>

There is a command line tool called mr.igor that you could install. There are instructions for hooking it up to vim on the pypi page:


I'm using https://github.com/mgedmin/python-imports.vim together with gutentags. Good enough for me (and better than nothing).





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