Access violation on run function from dll
I have DLL, interface on C++ for work with he. In bcb, msvc it works fine. I w开发者_运维百科ant to use Python-scripts to access function in this library. Generate python-package using Swig.
import distutils
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
setup(name = "DCM",
version = "1.3.2",
ext_modules = [Extension("_dcm", ["dcm.i"], swig_opts=["-c++","-D__stdcall"])],
y_modules = ['dcm'])
file dcm.i
%module dcm
%include <windows.i>
#include <windows.h>
#include "../interface/DcmInterface.h"
#include "../interface/DcmFactory.h"
#include "../interface/DcmEnumerations.h"
%include "../interface/DcmEnumerations.h"
%include "../interface/DcmInterface.h"
%include "../interface/DcmFactory.h"
run these command (python is associated with extension .py)
setup build
setup install
using this DLL
import dcm
f = dcm.Factory() #ok
r = f.getRegistrationMessage() #ok
print "r.GetLength() ", r.GetLength() #ok
r.SetLength(0) #access violation
On last string I get access violation. And I have access violation on every function using input parameters.
DcmInterface.h (interface)
class IRegistrationMessage
virtual int GetLength() const = 0;
virtual void SetLength(int value) = 0;
uRegistrationMessage.cpp (implementation in DLL)
class TRegistrationMessage : public IRegistrationMessage
virtual int GetLength() const
return FLength;
virtual void SetLength(int Value)
FLength = Value;
FLengthExists = true;
DcmFactory.h (using DLL in client code)
class Factory
GetRegistrationMessageFnc GetRegistration;
bool loadLibrary(const char *dllFileName = "dcmDLL.dll" )
hDLL = LoadLibrary(dllFileName);
if (!hDLL) return false;
GetRegistration = (GetRegistrationMessageFnc) GetProcAddress( hDLL, "getRegistration" );
Factory(const char* dllFileName = "dcmDLL.dll")
IRegistrationMessage* getRegistrationMessage()
if(!GetRegistration) return 0;
return GetRegistration();
I find bug. If you using DLL, you must write calling conventions in an explicit form like this:
class IRegistrationMessage
virtual int _cdecl GetLength() const = 0;
virtual void _cdecl SetLength(int value) = 0;
I append calling conventions and now all work fine.