What is the C# equivalent of the PHP Pack() function?
I have a line of PHP code that does the following:
$xml = "<xml><request>...[snipped for brevity]...</request></xml>";
$request = pack('N', (strlen($xml)+4)).$xml;
What this appears to do is prepend a开发者_JAVA百科 binary string of the length of $xml
(plus 4) to the value of $xml
How do I do the equivalent of this in C#?
It looks like your request requires a length prefixed string made up of single byte characters, so it's gonna need a bit more work in C# which uses Unicode characters. I'm going to assume you want your string of XML encoded with UTF-8. We also won't be able to use a string to hold the request when its been put together, instead we'll use a byte array.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
class Program
static void
Main(string[] args)
string xml = "<xml><request>...[snipped for brevity]...</request></xml>";
using ( MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream() )
using ( BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream) )
byte [] encodedXml = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml);
writer.Write(ToBigEndian(encodedXml.Length + 4));
byte [] request = stream.ToArray();
// now use request however you like
static byte []
ToBigEndian(int value)
byte [] retval = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
if ( BitConverter.IsLittleEndian )
return retval;
The other thing to notice here is that the php pack() function with the 'N' parameter forces big-endian on your leading 4 bytes. I therefore wrote the ToBigEndian() method to handle conversion into big-endian on any platform.
System.IO.BinaryWriter would appear to be a closer match.
I'm not a PHP guru (haven't used it in years), but the following is probably pretty close in functionality:
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
string xml = "the original data to pack";
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms))
byte[] data = Encodings.ASCII.GetBytes(xml);
bw.Write((Int32)data.Length + 4); // Size of ASCII string + length (4 byte int)
request = ms.ToArray();