
Is it possible to find two numbers whose difference is minimum in O(n) time

Given an unsorted integer array, and without making a开发者_运维知识库ny assumptions on the numbers in the array:

Is it possible to find two numbers whose difference is minimum in O(n) time?

Edit: Difference between two numbers a, b is defined as abs(a-b)

Find smallest and largest element in the list. The difference smallest-largest will be minimum.

If you're looking for nonnegative difference, then this is of course at least as hard as checking if the array has two same elements. This is called element uniqueness problem and without any additional assumptions (like limiting size of integers, allowing other operations than comparison) requires >= n log n time. It is the 1-dimensional case of finding the closest pair of points.

I don't think you can to it in O(n). The best I can come up with off the top of my head is to sort them (which is O(n * log n)) and find the minimum difference of adjacent pairs in the sorted list (which adds another O(n)).

I think it is possible. The secret is that you don't actually have to sort the list, you just need to create a tally of which numbers exist. This may count as "making an assumption" from an algorithmic perspective, but not from a practical perspective. We know the ints are bounded by a min and a max.

So, create an array of 2 bit elements, 1 pair for each int from INT_MIN to INT_MAX inclusive, set all of them to 00.

Iterate through the entire list of numbers. For each number in the list, if the corresponding 2 bits are 00 set them to 01. If they're 01 set them to 10. Otherwise ignore. This is obviously O(n).

Next, if any of the 2 bits is set to 10, that is your answer. The minimum distance is 0 because the list contains a repeated number. If not, scan through the list and find the minimum distance. Many people have already pointed out there are simple O(n) algorithms for this.

So O(n) + O(n) = O(n).

Edit: responding to comments.

Interesting points. I think you could achieve the same results without making any assumptions by finding the min/max of the list first and using a sparse array ranging from min to max to hold the data. Takes care of the INT_MIN/MAX assumption, the space complexity and the O(m) time complexity of scanning the array.

The best I can think of is to counting sort the array (possibly combining equal values) and then do the sorted comparisons -- bin sort is O(n + M) (M being the number of distinct values). This has a heavy memory requirement, however. Some form of bucket or radix sort would be intermediate in time and more efficient in space.

Sort the list with radixsort (which is O(n) for integers), then iterate and keep track of the smallest distance so far.

(I assume your integer is a fixed-bit type. If they can hold arbitrarily large mathematical integers, radixsort will be O(n log n) as well.)

It seems to be possible to sort unbounded set of integers in O(n*sqrt(log(log(n))) time. After sorting it is of course trivial to find the minimal difference in linear time.

But I can't think of any algorithm to make it faster than this.

No, not without making assumptions about the numbers/ordering.

It would be possible given a sorted list though.

I think the answer is no and the proof is similar to the proof that you can not sort faster than n lg n: you have to compare all of the elements, i.e create a comparison tree, which implies omega(n lg n) algorithm.

EDIT. OK, if you really want to argue, then the question does not say whether it should be a Turing machine or not. With quantum computers, you can do it in linear time :)





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