
Looking for a good 64 bit hash for file paths in UTF16

I have a Unicode / UTF-16 encoded path. the path delimiters is U+005C '\'. The paths are null-terminated root relative windows file system paths, e.g. "\windows\system32\drivers\myDriver32.sys"

I want to hash this path into a 64-bit unsigned integer. It does not need to be "cryptographically sound". The hashes should be case insensitive, but able to handle non-ascii letters. Obviously, the hash also shou开发者_运维问答ld scatter well.

There are some ideas that I had though of:

A) Using the windows file identifier as a "hash". In my case i do want the hash to change if the file gets moved, so this is not an option.

B) Just use a regular sting hash: hash += prime * hash + codepoint for the whole string.

I do have the feeling that the fact that the path consists of "segements" (folder names and the final file name) can be leveraged.

To sum up the needs:

1) 64bit hash

2) good distribution / few collisions for file system paths.

3) efficient

4) does not need to be secure

5) case insensitive

I would just use something straightforward. I don't know what language you are using, so the following is pseudocode:

ui64 res = 10000019;
for(i = 0; i < len; i += 2)
  ui64 merge = ucase(path[i]) * 65536 + ucase(path[i + 1]);
  res = res * 8191 + merge; // unchecked arithmetic
return res;

I'm assuming that path[i + 1] is safe on the basis that if len is odd then in the last case it will read the U+0000 safely.

I wouldn't make use of the fact that there are gaps caused by the gaps in UTF-16, by lower-case and title-case characters, and by characters invalid for paths, because these are not distributed in a way to make use of this fact something that could be used speedily. Dropping by 32 (all chars below U+0032 are invalid in path names) wouldn't be too expensive, but it wouldn't improve the hashing too much either.

Cryptographically secure hashes might not be very efficient in terms of speed, but there are implementations available for virtually any programming language.
Whether using them is feasible for your application depends on how much you depend on speed – a benchmark would give you an appropriate answer to that.

You could use a sub-string of such a hash, e.g. MD5 on your path, previously converted to lower case so that the hash is effectively case-insensitive (requires that you use a method for lower-casing which knows how to convert all UTF-16 non-standard characters that may occur in the file system).

Cryptographically secure hashes have the benefit of quite even distribution no matter which sub-string part you take because they are designed to be non-predictable, i.e. each part of the hash ideally depends on the entire hashed data as any other part of it.

Even if you do not need a cryptographic hash, you can still use one, and since your problem is not about security, then a "broken" cryptographic hash would be fine. I suggest MD4, which is quite fast. On my PC (a 2.4 GHz Core2 system, using a single core), MD4 hashes more than 700 MB/s, and even for small inputs (less than 50 bytes) it can process about 8 millions messages par second. You may find faster non-cryptographic hashes, but it already takes a rather specific situation for it to make a measurable difference.

For the specific properties you are after, you would need:

  1. To "normalize" characters so that uppercase letters are converted to lowercase (for case insensitivity). Note that, generally speaking, case-insensitivity in the Unicode world is not an easy task. From what you explain, I gather that you are only after the same kind of case-insensitivity that Windows uses for file accesses (I think that it is ASCII-only, so conversion uppercase->lowercase is simple).

  2. To truncate the output of MD4. MD4 produces 128 bits; just use the first 64 bits. This will be as scattered as you could wish for.

There are MD4 implementations available in may places, including right in the RFC 1320 I link to above. You may also find opensource MD4 implementations in C and Java in sphlib.

You could just create a shared library in C# and use the FileInfo class to obtain the full path of a directory or file. Then use .GetHashCode() in the path, like this:

Hash = fullPath.GetHashCode();


int getHashCode(string uri) 
   if (uri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri));

   FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(uri);
   return fileInfo.FullName.GetHashCode();

Altough this is just a 32 bits code, you duplicate it or append another HashCode based on some other characteristics of the file.





验证码 换一张
取 消

