Creating a form with a dynamic number of elements in Tapestry
I'm trying to generate a form with a variable - on the server side - number of text fields. The tapestry page looks similar to:
开发者_StackOverflow中文版<form t:id="form">
<t:loop source="typesOfIncome" value="typeOfIncome">
<input t:type="TextField" t:id="typeOfIncome-${typeOfIncome.propertyIndex}" value="100"/>
That is not accepted by Tapestry, as it bails out with
Component id 'typeOfIncome-${typeOfIncome.propertyIndex}' is not valid; component ids must be valid Java identifiers: start with a letter, and consist of letters, numbers and underscores.
How can I achieve this with Tapestry? And how would the Java code look like in the component?
With a component which looks like:
public class FormSample {
private Form _form;
private Logger _log;
private List<String> _typesOfIncome;
private String _typeOfIncome;
void setupRender() {
_typesOfIncome = Arrays.asList("First", "Second");
void onSuccess() {"Got values " + _typesOfIncome + " .");
and a page containing
<form t:id="form">
<t:loop source="typesOfIncome" value="typeOfIncome">
<input t:type="TextField" t:id="typeOfIncome" t:value="typeOfIncome"/> <br/>
<input type="submit" value="Save"/>
in onSuccess
the values list is null. The values are POSTed as:
typeOfIncome First
typeOfIncome_0 Second
I did a little testing and updated this. It's possible you can do it with a pure List, but I could only get it to work using a class to hold the income types.
In Java:
private List<Info> _infoList;
private Info _info;
void onPrepare() {
// populate _typesOfIncome with existing ones
if (_infoList == null) {
_infoList = new ArrayList<Info>();
_infoList.add(new Info("type1"));
_infoList.add(new Info("type2"));
void onSuccess() {
for (Info i : _infoList) {
public class Info {
private String typeOfIncome;
public Info() { }
public Info(String typeOfIncome) {
this.typeOfIncome = typeOfIncome;
public String getTypeOfIncome() {
return typeOfIncome;
public void setTypeOfIncome(String typeOfIncome) {
this.typeOfIncome = typeOfIncome;
In the template:
<t:form t:id="form">
<t:loop t:source="infoList" t:value="info" formState="ITERATION">
<input t:type="TextField" t:id="typeOfIncome" t:value="info.typeOfIncome"/><br/>
<input t:type="submit" name="Submit"/>
If you want to be able to add new types on the fly, here's a good example.