ASCII art in the optparse description
I'm making a shell script with the optparse module, jut for fun, so I wanted to print a nice ascii drawing in place of the descri开发者_如何学JAVAption.
Turns out that this code:
parser = optparse.OptionParser(
/ \
vvvvvvv /|__/|
I /O,O |
I /_____ | /|/|
J|/^ ^ ^ \ | /00 | _//|
|^ ^ ^ ^ |W| |/^^\ | /oo |
\m___m__|_| \m_m_| \mm_|
Las cucarachas lograron con exito su plan, echando a los pestilentes sangre caliente de sus cajas de cemento.
Ahora el hombre es una especie errante en el espacio, un vagabundo errante en las estrellas.''')
renders like this:
$ ./bin/ -h
Usage: ./ [options]
/ \ vvvvvvv /|__/|
I /O,O | I /_____ | /|/|
J|/^ ^ ^ \ | /00 | _//| |^ ^ ^ ^ |W| |/^^\ | /oo |
\m___m__|_| \m_m_| \mm_|
-h, --help show this help message and exit
#.... bla bla bla, etc
I've tried a varying combination of slashes, newlines and espaces without success.
Can you, friend pytonista, help me display Totoro properly?
The default formatter, IndentedHelpFormatter
, calls this method:
def format_description(self, description):
if description:
return self._format_text(description) + "\n"
return ""
If you subclass IndentedHelpFormatter
, you can remove the self._format_text
call which is causing the problem:
import optparse
class PlainHelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter):
def format_description(self, description):
if description:
return description + "\n"
return ""
parser = optparse.OptionParser(
/ \
vvvvvvv /|__/|
I /O,O |
I /_____ | /|/|
J|/^ ^ ^ \ | /00 | _//|
|^ ^ ^ ^ |W| |/^^\ | /oo |
\m___m__|_| \m_m_| \mm_|
Las cucarachas lograron con exito su plan, echando a los pestilentes sangre caliente de sus cajas de cemento.
Ahora el hombre es una especie errante en el espacio, un vagabundo errante en las estrellas.''')
(opt,args) = parser.parse_args()
Sorry for the thread necromancy, but for those who upgraded to 2.7 you can now easily display ascII art in your description by simply passing
to argparse.ArgumentParser()
see for example!
If all else fails, use code generation.
The simplest way would be to create a text file containing your desired output, and base64 encode it and embed it in a .py file that exposes a global variable
Now you need to include the generated .py, base64 decode, and print the global variable and it all works.