
Drupal exposed view

is there 开发者_C百科a way to not display any results initially until the form has been submitted?

Also, I cant see where I can override the exposed form

As @googletorp mentioned, you can override the expose form using hook_form_alter(): check out a couple examples in other questions to get an idea of how it works:

  • remove a logic operator(unlocked) of a exposed filter
  • Supplying a predefined list of options for an exposed item in a view in Drupal?

To display a blank form unless the user fills out the exposed form, you can use hook_views_query_alter() in a custom module:

function test_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) {
  $filter_set = FALSE;

  foreach ($view->filter as $filter) {
    // Check if we've found a filter identifier that is set
    if ($filter->options['exposed'] && array_key_exists($filter->options['expose']['identifier'], $_GET)) {
      $filter_set = TRUE;

  // If the filter isn't set, add a WHERE clause to the query that
  // cannot be TRUE. This ensures the view returns no results.
  if (!$filter_set) {
    $query->add_where(0, 'FALSE');

You can override the form with hook_form_alter in a custom module.

I don't believe there is a option in the Views UI to display nothing before selection. In your theme you could check if there is an selection, and hide the results if needed.

you can set a default filter (between the exposed ones) with a comparison that is always false.

If a filter is made optional in the exposed filter settings, the view should still display the results...

In Exposed Form Section change the Exposed form style from basic to input required





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