
IDE gets corrupt after debugging in Visual Studio 2003

My solution currently contains 20 projects in total. These are all window applications.

But lately after my OS(Windows XP SP3) downloaded updates from Microsoft and after adding just one window form in one of the projects, VS 2003 IDE starts crashing when trying to debug the sol开发者_StackOverflowution. After crashing VS needs to be reinstall....

ANY advice that might save me from having to reinstall VS2003 over and over?thanks.

I'd disable all addons you might have installed and see if that helps (VS is usually quite stable, but some addons are not). If so, re-enable them one by one to find which one causes the problem

If that doesn't help, see if you can re-create the crash with a minimal solution, and if you can, it might be worth talking with MS about it, their Connect website might be a good place to start.

Please note, if you edit your question to give more specific information (VS version & edition, what projects you're using etc) someone might be able to give a more specific answer, but I think with that generic question, you'll only get generic answers.





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