Cocos2d:Add uilabel in scene
I draw a cocos2d scene in window and now want to add a label on开发者_StackOverflow中文版 top of the scene... Any idea?? Thanks
You should use CCLabel instead of UILabel when using cocos2d.
First you create a label, then you add the label to your scene.
Have a look here :
If you want to use Cocos native Label class: add any CCLabel - the are plenty of them - to your CCScene.
CCLabel * label = [CCLabel labelWithString:@"MyString"
// you could sort your layers by "Z" - here 99 (default:0)
[self addChild:label z:99];
If you want to use UILabel.. may be you could just add your UILabel to the window class located in your application delegate class "myapp_delegate.m" . May be you should add an UIView first.
In the new version of Cocos2d there is no CCLabel instead there is CCLabelTTF and then your code would be
CCLabelTTF * label = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:@"MyString" fontName:@"Arial" fontSize:12.0];
[self addChild:label z:99];