How can I stop all the colors being destroyed when I change hi Normal ctermbg
au InsertEnter * hi Normal ctermbg=233
Doing this causes all the colors from my colorscheme (elflord)开发者_JAVA技巧 to go away and change into defaults. What can I do to stop this or work around it somehow?
The code for handling this in CSApprox is:
" colors_name must be unset and reset, or vim will helpfully reload the
" colorscheme when we set the background for the Normal group.
" See the help entries ':hi-normal-cterm' and 'g:colors_name'
if exists("g:colors_name")
let colors_name = g:colors_name
unlet g:colors_name
" Similarly, the global variable "syntax_cmd" must be set to something vim
" doesn't recognize, lest vim helpfully switch all colors back to the
" default whenever the Normal group is changed (in syncolor.vim)...
if exists("g:syntax_cmd")
let syntax_cmd = g:syntax_cmd
let g:syntax_cmd = "PLEASE DON'T CHANGE ANY COLORS!!!"
" ... change normal here ...
if exists("colors_name")
let g:colors_name = colors_name
unlet g:syntax_cmd
if exists("syntax_cmd")
let g:syntax_cmd = syntax_cmd
And finally...
" Makes it VERY obvious if you are in insert mode or not :)
if version >= 700
function EnterPastel()
redir => current | silent highlight Normal | redir END
let current = substitute(current, " xxx "," ", "")
" Weird junk char at start
let current = matchstr(current, '\(Normal.*\)')
redir => background | silent set background | redir END
let background = matchstr(background, '\(background=.*\)')
let s:highlight_normal = current
let args = split(current, "")
call filter(args, 'v:val !~ "ctermbg"')
let pastel_normal = 'highlight '.join(args).' ctermbg=233'
if exists("g:colors_name")
let colors_name = g:colors_name
unlet g:colors_name
if exists("g:syntax_cmd")
let syntax_cmd = g:syntax_cmd
let g:syntax_cmd = "Who you lookin at kid?"
exec pastel_normal
exec 'set '.background
if exists("colors_name")
let g:colors_name = colors_name
unlet g:syntax_cmd
if exists("syntax_cmd")
let g:syntax_cmd = syntax_cmd
function LeavePastel()
redir => background | silent set background | redir END
let background = matchstr(background, '\(background=.*\)')
if exists("g:colors_name")
let colors_name = g:colors_name
unlet g:colors_name
if exists("g:syntax_cmd")
let syntax_cmd = g:syntax_cmd
let g:syntax_cmd = "Who you lookin at kid?"
highlight clear Normal
if s:highlight_normal !~ "ctermbg="
" Thanks godlygeek for this one
let s:highlight_normal = s:highlight_normal." ctermbg=NONE"
exec 'highlight '.s:highlight_normal
exec 'set '.background
if exists("colors_name")
let g:colors_name = colors_name
unlet g:syntax_cmd
if exists("syntax_cmd")
let g:syntax_cmd = syntax_cmd
au InsertEnter * hi StatusLine term=reverse ctermfg=DarkRed ctermbg=7 guibg=black
au InsertLeave * hi StatusLine term=reverse ctermfg=7 ctermbg=0 guibg=black
au InsertEnter * call EnterPastel()
au InsertLeave * call LeavePastel()
There are actually a lot more issues involved with colors than just the ones here, if you want to see them all, I rolled the whole lot into a plugin, which is at:
And works with gvim -v, normal vim and gvim in GUI mode.
Here's the current version:
" You can change the colours to ones you like here
let s:pastel_guibg = '#121212'
let s:pastel_ctermbg = 233
" +++ Make it obvious which mode we are in
set laststatus=2 " always show status line
" Makes it VERY obvious if you are in insert mode or not :)
if version >= 700
function EnterPastel()
redir => current | silent highlight Normal | redir END
let current = substitute(current, " xxx "," ", "")
" Weird junk char at start
let current = matchstr(current, '\(Normal.*\)')
redir => background | silent set background | redir END
let background = matchstr(background, '\(background=.*\)')
let s:highlight_normal = current
" As pointed out by Dave Kirby, gvim puts font info into there which
" breaks things. This also revealed a lot of other things to me which
" aren't working with gvim, i use it in -v mode and didn't realise so
" I have tried to make it more GUI user friendly.
let s:gfn = matchstr(current,'\font=\(.*\)$',"","")
let args = split(current, "")
call filter(args, 'v:val !~ "guibg"')
call filter(args, 'v:val !~ "ctermbg"')
let pastel_normal = 'highlight '.join(args).' ctermbg='.s:pastel_ctermbgi.' guibg='.s:pastel_guibg
if exists("g:colors_name")
let colors_name = g:colors_name
unlet g:colors_name
if exists("g:syntax_cmd")
let syntax_cmd = g:syntax_cmd
let g:syntax_cmd = "Who you lookin at kid?"
exec pastel_normal
exec 'set gfn='s:gfn
exec 'set '.background
if exists("colors_name")
let g:colors_name = colors_name
unlet g:syntax_cmd
if exists("syntax_cmd")
let g:syntax_cmd = syntax_cmd
function LeavePastel()
redir => background | silent set background | redir END
let background = matchstr(background, '\(background=.*\)')
if exists("g:colors_name")
let colors_name = g:colors_name
unlet g:colors_name
if exists("g:syntax_cmd")
let syntax_cmd = g:syntax_cmd
let g:syntax_cmd = "Who you lookin at kid?"
highlight clear Normal
if s:highlight_normal !~ "ctermbg="
" Thanks godlygeek for this one
let s:highlight_normal = s:highlight_normal." ctermbg=NONE"
if s:highlight_normal !~ "guibg"
let s:highlight_normal = s:highlight_normal." guibg=NONE"
exec 'highlight '.s:highlight_normal
exec 'set gfn='s:gfn
exec 'set '.background
if exists("colors_name")
let g:colors_name = colors_name
unlet g:syntax_cmd
if exists("syntax_cmd")
let g:syntax_cmd = syntax_cmd
au InsertEnter * hi StatusLine term=reverse ctermfg=DarkRed ctermbg=7 guibg=black
au InsertLeave * hi StatusLine term=reverse ctermfg=7 ctermbg=0 guibg=black
au InsertEnter * call EnterPastel()
au InsertLeave * call LeavePastel()